Small fragment of cup, Attic black-glazed ware (0.0375-; -; -).
Scratched on rim.
Place of Origin
First half of the fifth century B.C. (monument-type)
Found between 1963 and 1965 at Taucheira pleiades; HGL : chance find in sector of archaic votive deposit .
Last recorded Location
Seen by J. Boardman in 1965.
Present Location
Not seen by IGCyr team.
Text constituted from
Transcription from editor (CDL).
Boardman-Hayes, 1973 Boardman, J., Hayes, J., 1973, Excavations at Tocra 1963-1965. The archaic deposits II and later deposits, British School of Archaeology at AthensSuppl. 10, London - see in bibliography , n. F173 (dr.).
1 Boardman-Hayes, 1973 Boardman, J., Hayes, J., 1973, Excavations at Tocra 1963-1965. The archaic deposits II and later deposits, British School of Archaeology at AthensSuppl. 10, London - see in bibliography [τὰ?]ν δεκ[άταν?] : Boardman-Hayes, 1973 Boardman, J., Hayes, J., 1973, Excavations at Tocra 1963-1965. The archaic deposits II and later deposits, British School of Archaeology at AthensSuppl. 10, London - see in bibliography [τὰ?]ν δὲ κ [---] : Boardman-Hayes, 1973 Boardman, J., Hayes, J., 1973, Excavations at Tocra 1963-1965. The archaic deposits II and later deposits, British School of Archaeology at AthensSuppl. 10, London - see in bibliography [τὰ?]ν δεκ[σίαν?]
(Untel a offert la) dîme [---] .
(So-and-so dedicated the) tithe [---] .
(Il tale ha dedicato la) decima [---] .
Although tithe-offering to Apollo is better known at Cyrene, there are two instances, one sure (IGCyr004200) and one probable (IGCyr003910), of a tithe offered to Demeter at Taucheira. This makes the restoration adopted here more likely than the alternative δεξιά conjectured by Boardman, while referring to IGCyr004000. His third proposed reading is also not plausible with the particle δέ, which implies a structured argumentation.
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