

Trismegistos ID: 105902

Source Description


Lid of rock-cut sarcophagus, limestone (dimensions not recorded).


a) Roughly cut on slope of lid; b) deeply cut in good letters on the upper plinth of the lid.


ca. 0.05.

Place of Origin



Fifth to third centuries B.C. (lettering)


First copied by H.F. De Cou of the Norton mission in 1911 at Cyrene : North Necropolis , tomb N 22.

Last recorded Location

Seen by the Thorns before 2006 in situ.

Present Location

Not seen by IGCyr team.

Text constituted from

Transcription from editor.


Robinson, 1913 , n. 26, without illustration, whence Sammelbuch 5880; Cassels, 1955 , p. 10, n. 11; Marengo, 1991 , p. 33; Thorn-Thorn, 2009 , p. 31.


section A
section B


A.1 Ἀγ̣α̣θ̣ίνα : Robinson, 1913  Ἄπλοινα

B.1 hιπ<π>οσ[---]  : Robinson, 1913  HΙΠΟΣ : Sammelbuch  hιπποσ[---]  (reading Keil)

French translation

A: Agathina.

B: Hippos[---] .

English translation

A: Agathina.

B: Hippos[---] .

Italian translation

A: Agathina.

B: Hippos[---] .


Dorothy Thorn's photograph shows A still readable, because it remained covered by earth, whereas B, exposed to the air since at least 1911, can hardly be traced on the photograph. However, it is clear that only one pi was cut, which as such gives no sense in Greek. The use of the letter H for the initial aspiration and of only one letter for a double stop are two clues for an archaic lettering. Section B would thus be earlier than A.

A : The unknown name Ἄπλοινα was already rejected as doubtful both in Fraser-Matthews, 1987 and by Marengo. The Thorns were not aware of those doubts.

B : Keil thought of Ἱππόσ[τρατος], but Ἱπποσ[θένης] would be another possibility. Anyhow, there was probably no room for so long names on the plinth. Either it was cut on on the other sides of the plinth or the name was abbreviated.

Arabic translation

أ: أجاثينا. ب: هيبوس [---].

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