Accounts of the damiergoi


Trismegistos ID: 738208

Source Description


Fragmentary white marble panel, broken on top, on left, and below (0.095; 0.06;0.032).


Inscribed on face.



Place of Origin



Second half of the fourth century B.C. (lettering)


Found not later than 1925 at Cyrene : agora (source: Oliverio); photographed with miscellaneous finds in 1925.

Present Location

Not found by IGCyr team.

Text constituted from

Transcription from editor and archive photograph (CDL).


Oliverio, 1932-1933 , p. 92, n. 18 (ph.), whence SEG , 9.19; for general bibliography on the accounts of the damiergoi see IGCyr011400.


- - - - - - [τῶ Ἀπόλλωνος ἱαριτεύοντος ---]  μάχω Β ι - [---] . [Καρπὸς ἐτιμάθ]η : κριθαὶ [:]  [c. 2 - 4], [σπυροὶ :]  [c. 1 - 5 ὄσπρια]  [c. 3 - 5], [στα]φυλὰ ψυθ-[ία ἔνδος τᾶς προκλησίας : 𐅠] 𐅝 :, μέ- 5[λαινα : ---]  - - - - - - -


1 Β ι |[---]  : Oliverio, 1932-1933  Βρ̣|[---] 

French translation

[Etant démiurges un tel, un tel, un tel], étant prêtre d'Apollon  [---] machos fils de B [---] . [La récolte a été estimée]: orge, [tant; froment, tant; légumes, tant]; raisin hâtif [sous garantie], 6 drachmes; noir, [hors garantie, tant],  [---] .

English translation

[Being damiergoi So-and-so, So-and-so, So-and-so], being priest of Apollo  [---] machos son of B [---] . [The crops were estimated:] barley, [so much; wheat, so much; pulse, so much]; grapes: early, [under guarantee], 6 drachmas; black, [so much; without guarantee, so much],  [---] .

Italian translation

[Essendo damiurghi il tale, il tale, il tale], essendo sacerdote di Apollo  [---] machos figlio di B [---] . [Il raccolto è stato valutato:] orzo, [tanto; grano, tanto; legumi, tanto]; uva primaticcia [scelta], 6 dracme; nera, [tanto; non scelta, tanto],  [---] .

Arabic translation

في فترة كل من الداميرجوي فلان وفلان وفلان]، وكاهن أبولو [---] ماخوس بن ب [---]، [المحاصيل تم تقديرها كالتالي:] الشعير، [بقيمة ما؛ القمح بقيمة ما؛ البقوليات، بقيمة ما]؛ العنب: (مباع بعقد مسبق) المبكر، 6 دراخما؛ الأسود، [سعر ما ؛ (غيرمباع بعقد مسبق)، بقيمة ما، [---].


At line 1, we follow Oliverio in supposing that the priest was mentioned after the damiergoi, which is not compulsory, as the reverse order also happens; as shown clearly from the photograph, the father's name begins either with Βρ or with Βι.

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