Collective limestone altar built from at least two big blocks, forming a rectangular base, upon which lies a table with at least five compartments; cornices on top and below; the table has been recut and only three compartments survive on the left (1.93; 0.62;0.60).
Inscribed on the edge of the compartments, the separation marks not corresponding strictly to a limit of compartment (0.675; 0.045;).
Place of Origin
Third century B.C. (lettering)
Found before 1923 at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : under Southern part of Byzantine Baths .
Last recorded Location
Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1982 in situ.
Text constituted from
Transcription from stone (CDL).
Ferri, 1923 Ferri, S., 1923, Contributi di Cirene alla storia della religione greca, Roma - see in bibliography , p. 10, n. 8h, whence SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden, then Amsterdam, 1923-1971, then 1979- - see in bibliography , 9.146. Cf. Parisi Presicce, 1992 Parisi Presicce, C., 1992, Panakeia, Iatros e le altre divinità asclepiadi a Cirene, in A. Mastino (ed.), L'Africa romana: atti del 9. Convegno di studio, Nuoro, 13-15 dicembre 1991 (L'Africa romana9), I, Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di storia dell’Università degli studi di Sassari20, Sassari, 147-166 - see in bibliography , p. 157.
(Autel) d'Hécate, d'Hygie, de Panacée, d'Héraklès, de [---] .
(Altar) of Hekate, of Hygieia, of Panakeia, of Heracles, of [---] .
(Altare) di Ecate, di Igea, di Panacea, di Eracle, di [---] .
For a similar altar with five compartments, see IGCyr081400.
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