

Trismegistos ID: 738256

Source Description


Tapering marble stele with plain moulding on top; lower right angle missing. When seen and photographed for Oliverio, the stele was severely damaged in the middle, as in an attempt to break it into two parts. In 2003, only part of its upper side was unearthed (with moulding width 0.49; below moulding 0.44; 1.24;0.30).


Inscribed; written on two lines just below moulding.


0.03; carefully cut letters.

Place of Origin

Cyrene .


Between 325 and 275 B.C. (lettering)


Found by R.M. Smith and E.A. Porcher in 1860-1861 at Cyrene : on the north side of the pronaos of the so-called Temple of Venus .

Later recorded Location

Seen by N. Adams in 2003 at the same place.

Last recorded Location

Seen in 2003 by Th. Marlier and A. Laronde from the French Archaeological Mission at the same place.

Present Location

Not seen by IGCyr team.

Text constituted from

Transcription from previous editors (CDL).


Smith-Porcher, 1864 , n. 22; SGDI 4858; Oliverio, 1933-1936 , p. 112 n. 87, fig. 43, whence SEG , 9.199. Cf. Adams, 2003 , pp. 58-59, n. 7 (ph.) and Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique , 2005.623, whence SEG , 53.2044; Thorn-Thorn, 2009 , p. 140.


Ἀστυκράτης Εὐκλείδα.


French translation

Astykratès fils d'Eukleidas.

English translation

Astykrates son of Eukleidas.

Italian translation

Astykrates figlio di Eukleidas.


The findspot («necropoli») given by Oliverio, who did not mention the previous edition, is plausibly based only upon the monument type, which clearly indicates a tomb-marker. Adams in 2003 unearthed the upper part of the stele at the very place where Smith and Porcher had claimed to have seen it. So we can imagine that it had been brought from the nearest Necropolis, i.e. the Southern one. The Thorns, unaware of all editions but Oliverio's, are wrong in suggesting the Northern Necropolis.

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