Limestone sarcophagus lid (dimensions unknown).
Cut on the plinth at the summit of the lid.
Height unknown; epsilon with three equal bars, tailless upsilon.
Place of Origin
Second half of fifth or first half of fourth century B.C. (context)
Found by J. Cassels in 1953 at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : North Necropolis , West of tomb N 241.
Present Location
Not found by IGCyr team.
Text constituted from
Transcription from previous editor.
Cassels, 1955 Cassels, J., 1955, The cemeteries of Cyrene, Papers of the British School at Rome (PBSR)23, 1-43 - see in bibliography , p. 10, pl. X.c, whence SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden, then Amsterdam, 1923-1971, then 1979- - see in bibliography , 16.868.
(Tombe) d'Euopidas.
(Tomb) of Euopidas.
(Tomba) di Euopidas.
Cassels says that among the inscriptions on sarcophagi previously published «none is earlier than the fourth century B.C. and none can be much later than the third». He then adds the present one, which was also assigned to IV/III B.C. in SEG. However, judging from the photograph, the lettering seems earlier.
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