Private honors for Ptolemy II Philadelphus by Ariston


Trismegistos ID: 6097

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, inv. number unknown.


White rectangular marble base broken at upper left angle around a deep hole for attachment (0.72; 0.33;0.52).


Inscribed on the face: lines centered along vertical axis.


0.03; very carefully cut, serifs, phi with small oval loop, non-slanting sigma, dotted theta and omicron slightly smaller.

Place of Origin

Cyrene .


Between 283 and 279 B.C. (reign)


Found by R.M. Smith and E.A. Porcher in 1861 at Cyrene : re-used in the Temple of Apollo .

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1993 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Smith-Porcher, 1864 , n. 16, whence SGDI 4850 and OGIS 22. Cf. Sammelbuch 10077; Fraser, 1956 , p. 50, footnote 2, whence SEG 18.729; Chamoux, 1956 , p. 31; SECir , p. 374, fig. 170 (only a photograph); Bagnall, 1976 , p. 26; Laronde, 1987 , p. 409, footnote 1.


[Βασιλῆ Πτ]ολ̣ε̣[μ]αῖον Σωτήρων [Ἀρ]ίστων Λυσιφάνευς ἀνέθηκε.


1 [Βασιλῆ] : Smith-Porcher, 1864  [Βασιλέα]

French translation

(La statue du) [roi] Ptolémée fils des Sôtères a été consacrée par Aristôn fils de Lysiphanès.

English translation

(The statue of) [king] Ptolemy son of the Soteres was dedicated by Ariston son of Lysiphanes.

Italian translation

(La statua del) [re] Tolemeo figlio dei Soteri è stata dedicata da Ariston figlio di Lysiphanes.


Smith and Porcher saw the stone «built into the corner of a wall in the restored part of the temple of Apollo, on the second story. As the inscribed face was turned inwards, this marble must have been taken from some earlier edifice». Because of its then position, they could transcribe only part of it.

The date is induced from the lack of titles for the parents and absence of Arsinoe, married in 279/8 ( Fraser, 1956 , p. 50, footnote 2); moreover, it might show that the quarrel between Magas and Philadelphus did not become effective in the very first years of Philadelphus' reign ( Bagnall, 1976 , p. 26; Laronde, 1987 , p. 409, footnote 1).

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