Private honors with artist's signature


Trismegistos ID: 6192

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, no inventory number.


Two adjacent pieces of a greyish marble oblong block, later recut on left side and behind so as to obtain a round shape with shallow fluting; on fragment b, line 2 has been hammered out (fragment a: 0.35; 0.25; -; fragment b: 0.395; 0.25; -).


Inscribed on the face in two lines of different height.


Line 1: 0.015-0.02; line 2: 0.008; slight serifs, sigma with slanting bars.

Place of Origin



Second half of fourth or first half of third century B.C. (lettering)


Found before 1937 at Cyrene : exact findspot unrecorded.

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1997 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Pugliese Carratelli-Oliverio, 1961 , p. 31, n. 13, fig. 24 (from †Oliverio's papers); whence SEG , 20.744. Cf. Rosamilia, 2014 , n. 5.


[Θεοκ]ρ̣ίσιος Ἀριστίππω (vac. 2) Θεοκρίσιος Παραιβά̣[τα].  [c. 4 - 6]άτης Μιλήσιος ἐποίησε. (vac. 9) 〚[---] 


1 [Θεοκ]ρ̣ίσιος : Pugliese Carratelli-Oliverio, 1961  [---] ρ̣ίσιος

French translation

Theokrisios fils d'Aristippos, Theokrisios fils de Paraibatas.

Oeuvre de  [---] atès de Milet 〚 [---] 〛.

English translation

Theokrisios son of Aristippos, Theokrisios son of Paraibatas.

Made by  [---] ates of Miletus 〚 [---] 〛.

Italian translation

Theokrisios figlio di Aristippos, Theokrisios figlio di Paraibatas.

Opera di  [---] ates di Mileto 〚 [---] 〛.


The photograph in editio princeps might give the impression that some letters are readable in the erased portion of line 2. Neither direct examination nor squeeze do confirm this.

An attractive restoration of the sculptor's name as a compound in -κράτης is a mere possibility amongst others, as pointed out by Rosamilia, because names that in Cyrenaica would end in -άτας also had this ending in Ionic.

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