Name (unfinished).


Trismegistos ID: 738524

Source Description


Fragmentary base of nummulitic limestone, broken off on all sides, except probably at left, (0.33; 0.33;at least 0.23).


Inscribed on the face in probably two lines.


Unfinished work of the cutter: the letters were lightly sketched and only those of line 1 and the three first letters of line 2 were deeply and not very carefully cut; smaller omicron, widely open calice-shaped upsilon.

Place of Origin



Perhaps second century B.C. (lettering)


Found probably between 1932 and 1935 at Cyrene : Sanctuary of Apollo ('Piazzale'), in the Greek Theatre .

Last recorded Location

Seen by L. Gasperini in 2007 in Shahat : in the Casa Parisi , which is part of the Cyrene Museum ..

Text constituted from

Transcription from previous editor and Gasperini's archive (CDL).


SECir , 177 (photo).


Ἀνδροτέ[λης] Εὐκα̣(vac. 4?) (vac. 1 line)


2 Εὐκα̣(vac. 4?) : SECir  Εὐκάρ̣π[ω]

2a (in Gasperini's copy there is no line 3) : SECir  +++ [---] 

French translation

Androtélès fils d'Euka [---] .

English translation

Androteles son of Euka [---] .

Italian translation

Androteles figlio di Euka [---] .


The stone was known to Pugliese Carratelli only through a photograph in the Department of Antiquities Archive, which C. Dobias-Lalou was also able to see in 1982 and could not find again later. Nor could she find the stone.

Thanks to the drawing and description kept in Gasperini's archive and kindly provided by the University of Macerata, we now know the material and dimensions of the stone.

Pugliese Carratelli mentioned that the inscription was unfinished, a fact that is confirmed only for the end of line 2 by Gasperini's sketch. The latter does not mention any trace of letters at a supposed line 3, which might have never existed. We follow the opinion of Gasperini, who saw the stone.

Found inside or near the Greek Theatre, the inscription seems to be honorary, but its unfinished condition does not help to be quite sure.

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