List of ephebes


Trismegistos ID: 738561

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, 549.


Fragmentary white marble panel with the sides smoothen on a depth of 0.01, broken off at top and below (0.20; 0.145;0.055).


Inscribed on the face, each line centred along vertical axis.


0.09; slight serifs, smaller circular letters, non-slanting sigma.

Place of Origin



Second century B.C. (lettering)


Found before 1960 at Cyrene : exact findspot unrecorded.

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1977 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Morelli in SECir , 241; Marengo, 1982 , pp. 635-636; Dobias-Lalou, 2003 , pp. 218-219, whence SEG , 53.2046; Dobias-Lalou, 2016 , p. 240, fig. 1. Cf. Luni, 1976 , pp. 249-252; Dobias-Lalou, 2000 , pp. 241-246; Cordiano, 2001 , whence SEG , 51.2208.


- - - - - - [ἀπορυτιά]ζοντα Χ̣άταιον Ἁγησάρχω γυμνασιαρχέντας Χηριάδαν Τιμώνακτος 5Μναστοκλῆν Ἀριστείδα Κλέαρχον Κλεάρχω καὶ τῶν πρεσβυτέρων [---]  κ ο̣ν Φιλοξένω [---]  [Ἵ]π̣π̣ιος - - - - - -


1 Dobias-Lalou, 2003  [ἀπορυτιά]ζοντα : SECir  (this line not read)

2 Dobias-Lalou, 2003  Χ̣άταιον : SECir  Ἀνταῖον || Dobias-Lalou, 2003  Κλέαρχον : SECir  Κλ ⸢έ⸣ αρχον || Dobias-Lalou, 2003  [---]  κ ο̣ν : SECir  [---] ν

9 Dobias-Lalou, 2003  [Ἵ]π̣π̣ιος : Marengo, 1982  [τριακατ]ίος : SECir  [---] ιος

French translation

 [---]  maître de cavalerie Khataios fils d'Hagèsarkhos, gymnasiarques Khèriadas fils de Timônax, Mnastoklès fils d'Aristeidas, Kléarkhos fils de Kléarkhos, ainsi que ceux des seniors  [---] os fils de Philoxénos, [Untel] fils d'Hippis,  [---] .

English translation

 [---]  master of riding Chataios son of Hagesarchos, gymnasiarchs Cheriadas son of Timonax, Mnastokles son of Aristeidas, Klearchos son of Klearchos, as well as those for seniors  [---] os son of Philoxenos, [So-and-so] son of Hippis,  [---] .

Italian translation

 [---]  il maestro d'equitazione Chataios figlio di Hagesarchos, i ginnasiarchi Cheriadas figlio di Timonax, Mnastokles figlio di Aristeidas, Klearchos figlio di Klearchos, così come (i ginnasiarchi) dei seniores  [---] os figlio di Philoxenos, [il tale] figlio di Hippis,  [---] .

Arabic translation

[---] مدرب ركوب الخيل أو قائد الخيالة خاتايوس بن هاجيسارخوس ومشرفي الجمنازيوم خيرياداس بن تيموناكتس ومناستوكليس بن أريستيداس وكلارتشوس بن كليارخوس، بالاضافة إلى أولئك لتدريب كبار السن [---] وس بن فيلوكسينوس و [فلان] بن هيبيس، [---].


For a more complete example of a dedication by the ephebes followed by their list, see IGCyr015200.

For the syntactical display of those lists, see Dobias-Lalou, 2000 , pp. 241-246.

At line 9, Marengo's interesting restoration is ruled out through autopsy of the stone. We should thus suppose with Luni that in this instance two gymnasiarchs of the elders were on duty. The list of ephebes, with the title τριακάτιοι, would have begun just under the break.

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