

Trismegistos ID: 105917

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, unknown.


White marble tapering stele with plain moulding above on three sides, broken off at the right angle of the moulding (0.375; 0.97;0.235).


inscribed at 0.35 under the moulding on front face (0.34 to 0.375; 0.87;0.185 to 0.21). .


0.027; no serifs, slightly tapering mu, moderatly smaller omicron, rho with large loop, slanting sigma, calice-shaped upsilon, large omega.

Place of Origin

Cyrene : plausibly from one Necropolis .


End of fourth or beginning of third century B.C. (lettering)


Found by the Norton mission in 1911 on the Northern Acropolis .

Later recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1979 in Shahat : outside the ancient Sculpture Museum .

Last recorded Location

Seen again in 1997 by C. Dobias-Lalou in the courtyard of the new Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Robinson, 1913 , n. 47 (ph.); republished by Morelli, SECir , 284 (no image), as unpublished. Cf. Masson, 1967 , p. 225, footnote 3 and Marengo, 1985 .


Εὐαγόρας Ἀμωμήτω


French translation

Euagoras fils d'Amômètos

English translation

Euagoras son of Amometos.

Italian translation

Euagoras figlio di Amometos.


Ths stone, said to have been found «face down on Northern Acropolis» ( Robinson, 1913 , n. 47), belongs evidently to the series of funerary steles. It is thus plausible that it had been brought there either from the Northern or from the Western Necropolis for a re-use.

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