

Trismegistos ID: 738695

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, inv. number unknown.


White marble base, with mouldings of egg and dart above and below on three sides; a circular hole and a channel for attachment on top (0.67; 0.32;0.42).


Inscribed on front face between the mouldings (0.59; 0.11;0.38).


0.04; slightly disymetrical nu, slanting sigma.

Place of Origin



Ca. 250 B.C. (lettering, monument-type)


Found by L. Beschi in 1961 at Cyrene : East Necropolis , possibly tomb E180 Cassels.

Later recorded Location

Seen by Gasperini in 1969 in Shahat : exact place not registered.

Last recorded Location

Seen by Dobias-Lalou in 1979 and 1983 in Shahat : in front of the Casa Parisi , which is part of the Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Beschi, 1970 , pp. 201, 205 (no illustrations). Cf. Thorn-Thorn, 2009 , p. 188 (provenance); Belzic, 2015 , vol. 2, p. 178 (related statue).


Λαΐαρχος Νικάνδρω


French translation

Laïarkhos fils de Nikandros.

English translation

Laiarchos son of Nikandros.

Italian translation

Laiarchos figlio di Nikandros.


In most cases, funerary bases have no display for attachment because the funerary half-statues were simply placed upon them. However the findspot clearly shows that the base was funerary. And the absence of moulding at back is another clear clue.

As Beschi mentioned a tomb on the right bank of Wadi Bu Sneidi, at the Eastern end of the East Necropolis, it is a plausible guess of the Thorns that it was E180, the only tomb of that area situated on the right bank.

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