Two rock-cut altars of the type eschara (dimensions not registered).
Inscribed on front face below the escharai.
Height unknown; small delta and omega.
Place of Origin
Perhaps third or second century B.C. (context, lettering)
Found by M. Luni in 2007 at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : Southern private sacred zone East , opposite the Southern temple precinct .
Later recorded Location
Observed by G. Paci in 2008 in situ.
Last recorded Location
Seen by E. Rosamilia in 2010 in situ.
Text constituted from
Transcription from stone (GP).
Paci, 2011 Paci, G., 2011, Nouveaux documents épigraphiques provenant du sanctuaire extra-urbain de Déméter à Cyrène, Comptes rendus des séances: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2011, 258-273 - see in bibliography , p. 269 et fig. 14.1.2 and 4, whence SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden, then Amsterdam, 1923-1971, then 1979- - see in bibliography , 61.1555.B.7. Cf. Gasparini-Rosamilia, 2016 Gasparini, M., Rosamilia, E., 2016, I nuovi altari rupestri extraurbani dallo Uadi Belgadir e il culto di Zeus e delle Eumenidi, in V. Purcaro, O. Mei, Cirene greca e romana II, Monografie di archeologia libica, 44, Cirene Atene d'Africa9, 189-217 - see in bibliography , pp. 190-195.
(Autel) de Rhodippos.
(Altar) of Rhodippos.
(Altare) di Rhodippos.
One of the series of personal names inscribed above altars rock-cut in niches; the 'owner' of the altar(s) engraved his name, but we do not known the deity to whom offerings were laid down.
The name Ῥόδιππος is new for Cyrenaica but well attested at Rhodes.
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