Names, perhaps epitaph


Trismegistos ID: 738713

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, Storeroom of the American excavations, 69.208; 74-91.


Lower part of a marble stele with all edges chipped (0.405; 0.62;0.215).


Inscribed on the very worn face.


0.018; uneven lineation.

Place of Origin

Cyrene .


Perhaps third century B.C. (lettering)


Found in 1974 by the American team of D. White at Cyrene : Enclosed sanctuary of Demeter and Kore , area 2, 1.2.

Present Location

Not seen by IGCyr team.

Text constituted from

Transcription from editor.


Reynolds, 2012 , n. A.8 (no image) , and Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique , 2013.480, whence SEG , 62.1791.


- - - - - - [---]  Ἀθηναγόρα (vac. 2 lines) Φιλείας Χαρίνω Ν [c. 3 - 4] (vac. 4 lines) Φ(vac.) Πελάγων Φιλίππω (vac. 1)


1a Reynolds, 2012  (vac. 2 lines) : Reynolds, 2012  [------]   | [------]  

2 Reynolds, 2012  Φιλείας Χαρίνω Ν : Reynolds, 2012  φιλείας χάριν ΩΝ

2a Reynolds, 2012  (vac. 4 lines) : Reynolds, 2012  [------]   | [------]   | [------]   | [------]  

3 Reynolds, 2012  (vac.) : Reynolds, 2012  [---] 

French translation

[Untel] fils d'Athènagoras. Phileias fils de Kharinos N [---] . PH. Pélagôn fils de Philippos.

English translation

[So-and-so] son of Athenagoras. Phileias son of Charinos N [---] . PH. Pelagon son of Philippos.

Italian translation

[Il tale] figlio di Athenagoras. Phileias figlio di Charinos N [---] . PH. Pelagon figlio di Philippos.


Although found in the sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, this stone has certainly been brought there from elsewhere. Rather than a list of officials of some kind, it seems more plausible that it was a funerary stele brought from the nearby West Necropolis. A photograph of the stone would help to push or reject this view.

At line 2, we prefer to read personal names rather that Reynolds' alternative suggestion of the formula meaning 'for the sake of friendship', which is attested much later. The last preserved letter nu might be the beginning of νέος, rather than the numeral 50 giving the age (as suggested by Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique 2013.480), for this feature is also later.

At line 3, Reynolds could see no letter after the phi. The surface might be much worn out or the letter was cut independently of the rest.

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