Rock-cut sarcophagus, (dimensions unknown).
Inscribed on the vertical side of the lid.
Height unknown and shape of letters unknown.
Place of Origin
Perhaps Hellenistic (lettering)
Copied by J. Thorn in 2002 at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : North Necropolis , near tomb N362 Cassels, at the end of a terrace of sarcophagi called Terrace 1, in front of a tomb with four loculi.
Present Location
Never seen by IGCyr team.
Text constituted from
Transcription from previous mention (CDL).
Thorn-Thorn, 2009 Thorn, D.M., Thorn, J.C. (eds.), 2009, A Gazetteer of the Cyrene Necropolis from the original notebooks of John Cassels, Richard Tomlinson and James and Dorothy Thorn, Studia Archaeologica161, Roma - see in bibliography , p. 118 (no image).
The Thorns only give a description of the place and a diplomatic transcription of the preserved letters, with a suggestion about the date.
Names cut on sarcophagi are either at the nominative case, as a caption, or at the genitive, as owner's marks. So we might also have here a genitive, which would not be dialectal, ending in -ου.
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