

Trismegistos ID: 738799

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, 94.


Fragment of a white marble panel, resulting from the re-use of a deeper block, which was re-cut; on the former face, to the right of the present panel, there remain only traces of one letter; only the resulting panel is here taken into account: it is broken off at left, above and below and its surface is not so carefully smoothened as the other side (0.07; 0.10;0.032).


Inscribed on the face of the panel; spaces between letters varying at each line.


0.012, with large serifs; rho with rather small loop, not-slanting sigma.

Place of Origin



Perhaps second half of second century B.C. (lettering)


Found presumably before World War II at Cyrene : exact findspot unknown.

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1979 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Not previously published.


- - - - - - [---] ν̣ος [---] [ξ]ενος [---] άρχω [---] [φ]αντος 5 [---] ίων[ος] - - - - - -


French translation

 [---]  fils de  [---] n,  [---] xénos fils de  [---] arkhos,  [---] phantos fils de  [---] iôn,  [---] .

English translation

 [---]  son of  [---] n,  [---] xenos son of  [---] archos,  [---] phantos son of  [---] ion,  [---] .

Italian translation

 [---]  figlio di  [---] n,  [---] xenos figlio di  [---] archos,  [---] phantos figlio di  [---] ion,  [---] .


The name ending width -ενος at line 2 can only be at the nominative case and is obviously a compound in ξενος, amongst which Φιλόξενος is the most favourite in Cyrenaica. However others are also attested there.

The nominative at line 2, followed by a genitive at line 3 help to determine the layout of the whole: a list of names and father's name alternatively mentioned, one name per line. This layout would fit the narrow side (about 0.14) of a larger stele. The resulting panel may have been re-cut in order to provide some sort of pavement or facing.

Given that line 4 has a nominative, the preserved ending should belong to a compound name with second stem -φαντος, several of which are attested in Cyrenaica, Ξηνόφαντος being the most frequent.

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