Small limestone altar, made of a cube inserted into a slightly larger box with cuttings on its upper edges allowing liquids to be poured between the two parts (overall dimensions 0.115; 0.09;0.115).
Scratched rather than inscribed on one of the outer faces near the upper edge, in one line beginning at ca. 0.025 from the left edge and running up to the right edge.
0.01-0.015; irregular lettering, with cursive features; lunate sigma, upsilon with very tall tail.
Place of Origin
Perhaps first century B.C. (or later?) (lettering)
Found between 2008 and 2012 by the Mission of Urbino at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : Southern Extra-Mural Sacred Zone , North-West of the Extra-Mural Temple of Demeter .
Last recorded Location
First studied in 2012 by E. Rosamilia in situ.
Text constituted from
Transcription from editor.
Gasparini-Rosamilia, 2016 Gasparini, M., Rosamilia, E., 2016, I nuovi altari rupestri extraurbani dallo Uadi Belgadir e il culto di Zeus e delle Eumenidi, in V. Purcaro, O. Mei, Cirene greca e romana II, Monografie di archeologia libica, 44, Cirene Atene d'Africa9, 189-217 - see in bibliography , n. 6 (fig. 14-15).
Two similar small altars were found in the same area, the other one not inscribed. They were inserted into the hollows of two near rock-cut altars. On other altars the hollows were filled with miniature vases and closed with stone lids. Two such hollows had been re-cut in order to receive the small altars.
This and IGCyr133400 are the only instances of one Eumenide mentioned instead of several. Furthermore if the genitive is more usual in such mentions, the nominative is not uncommon, so we leave the title 'dedication'.
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