White marble base with mouldings of eggs and darts on top and below on three sides, wholly broken off at left (0.26; 0.51;0.26).
Inscribed in two lines on the face between the mouldings (height 0.22).
Average 0.044 carefully cut with very small apices; slightly slanting sigma, horse-shoe omega.
Place of Origin
Perhaps second half of fourth or first half of third century B.C. (lettering)
Seen between 2003 and 2009 by L. Cherstich at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : South Necropolis , tomb S253 Cassels.
Present Location
Not seen by IGCyr team; studied by C. Dobias-Lalou from Cherstich's photograph.
Text constituted from
Transcription from photograph (CDL)
Not previously published. Cf. Cherstich, 2009 Cherstich, L., 2009, The Southern Necropolis of Cyrene , Ph.D. thesis University of Oxford - see in bibliography , fig. 143.
[---] bès fils de [---] sios.
[---] bes son of [---] sios
[---] bes figlio di [---] sios.
This much mutilated base shows a man's name with a rather rare ending. The most plausible restoration would be Εὐσέβης, although this name, meaning 'Pious', is not very usual before the Roman imperial period. On the other hand, the father's name ended with -sios, for which there are a lot of possibilities. It is thus impossible to offer any restitution.