Fragmentary foot of cup, Attic black-glazed ware (0.05-; 0.032-;0.003-0.007).
Scratched under the foot.
0.011; to be read from outside.
Place of Origin
First half of the fifth century B.C. (monument-type)
Found before 1961 at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : probably Sanctuary of Apollo .
Last recorded Location
Seen by L. Gasperini in 1961 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .
Present Location
Not seen by IGCyr team.
Text constituted from
Transcription from previous editor (HB).
Gasperini, 1995 Gasperini, L., 1995, Nuove dediche vascolari all’Apollo di Cirene, Quaderni di Archeologia della Libya (QAL)17, 5-12 [= , 319-334] - see in bibliography , pp. 10-11, n. 7 (dr.) (= Gasperini, 2008 Gasperini, L., and Arnaldi, A., Marengo, S.M. (eds.), 2008, Scritti di epigrafia greca, Ichnia10, Tivoli - see in bibliography , p. 330), whence SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden, then Amsterdam, 1923-1971, then 1979- - see in bibliography , 44.1541, 7; Maffre, 2007 Maffre, J.J., 2007, La dévotion à Apollon d'après des graffiti inscrits sur des fragments de céramique grecque trouvés à Cyrène, in C. Dobias-Lalou (ed.), Questions de religion cyrénéenne: actes du colloque de Dijon, 21-23 mars 2002, Karthago27, Paris, 166-183 - see in bibliography p. 173, n. 32.
[---?] dîme [---?] .
[---?] tithe [---?] .
[---?] decima [---?] .
See commentary at IGCyr004700.
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