Fragmentary upper part and rim of a kantharos, Attic black-glazed ware (0.09-; 0.045-; -).
Scratched on outside under rim.
Place of Origin
350-310 B.C. (monument-type)
Found before 1987 at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : plausibly Sanctuary of Apollo .
Last recorded Location
Seen by J.-J. Maffre in 1987 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .
Text constituted from
Transcription from editor (CDL).
Maffre, 2007 Maffre, J.J., 2007, La dévotion à Apollon d'après des graffiti inscrits sur des fragments de céramique grecque trouvés à Cyrène, in C. Dobias-Lalou (ed.), Questions de religion cyrénéenne: actes du colloque de Dijon, 21-23 mars 2002, Karthago27, Paris, 166-183 - see in bibliography , p. 178, n. 45 (ph.), whence SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden, then Amsterdam, 1923-1971, then 1979- - see in bibliography , 57.2002, 10; Dobias-Lalou, 2015 Dobias-Lalou, C., 2015, Les débuts de l'écriture en Cyrénaïque, in A. Inglese, Epigrammata 3. Saper scrivere nel Mediterraneo antico. Esiti di scrittura fra VI e IV sec. a.C., in ricordo di Mario Luni. Atti del convegno di Roma, 7-8 Novembre 2014, Tivoli, 59-80, 315-321 - see in bibliography , p. 74.
1 Dobias-Lalou, 2015 Dobias-Lalou, C., 2015, Les débuts de l'écriture en Cyrénaïque, in A. Inglese, Epigrammata 3. Saper scrivere nel Mediterraneo antico. Esiti di scrittura fra VI e IV sec. a.C., in ricordo di Mario Luni. Atti del convegno di Roma, 7-8 Novembre 2014, Tivoli, 59-80, 315-321 - see in bibliography [Ἀπόλλω]ν̣ι Μυρτώ̣[ιωι] : Maffre, 2007 Maffre, J.J., 2007, La dévotion à Apollon d'après des graffiti inscrits sur des fragments de céramique grecque trouvés à Cyrène, in C. Dobias-Lalou (ed.), Questions de religion cyrénéenne: actes du colloque de Dijon, 21-23 mars 2002, Karthago27, Paris, 166-183 - see in bibliography [---] ν Μυρτό[ο---]
À Apollon Myrtoos [---] .
To Apollo Myrtoos [---] .
Per Apollo Myrtoos [---] .
From the photograph one can clearly see at left end a small part of nu, followed by iota, whereas the last letter at right end should be a round letter with a crooked summit, for which omega would be a good candidate, in agreement with the date of the ceramics.
Apollo Myrtoos also appears much later, in a dedication to the emperor Nero, cf. IRCyr C.289.
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