Fragmentary vase not otherwise described, material unknown (dimensions unknown).
Height unknown.
Place of Origin
Fifth century B.C. (monument-type)
Found in 1927 at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : Sanctuary of Apollo .
Present Location
Probably lost.
Text constituted from
Transcription from editor.
Oliverio, Taccuini inediti Oliverio, G., Taccuini inediti - see in bibliography , VIII (no image), whence SECir Oliverio, G., Pugliese-Carratelli, G., Morelli, D., 1961-1962, Supplemento Epigrafico Cirenaico, Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente (ASAA)39-40 (= n.s. 23-24), 219-375 - see in bibliography , 152a. Cf. Maffre, 2007 Maffre, J.J., 2007, La dévotion à Apollon d'après des graffiti inscrits sur des fragments de céramique grecque trouvés à Cyrène, in C. Dobias-Lalou (ed.), Questions de religion cyrénéenne: actes du colloque de Dijon, 21-23 mars 2002, Karthago27, Paris, 166-183 - see in bibliography , p. 171, n. 20.
(Untel a consacré) comme dîme à Apollon.
(So-and-so dedicated) as a tithe to Apollo.
(Il tale ha dedicato) come decima ad Apollo.
Published from a drawing in Oliverio's papers, without description nor illustration. The date is only conjectural.
The reference to 'Tacc(uino) VIII' indicates excavations of 1927.
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