Accounts of the damiergoi


Trismegistos ID: 738214

Source Description


Upper left angle of a white marble stele (0.13; 0.14;0.05).


Inscribed on the face; line 1 with large space between the letters, the rest normally spaced.


0.012; slanting sigma, lightly slanting mu, small omicron above the line.

Place of Origin



Fourth century B.C. (lettering)


Found at the latest in 1929 at Cyrene : agora .

Present Location

Not found.

Text constituted from

Transcription from previous editor (CDL).


Oliverio, 1932-1933 , p. 94, n. 24 (ph.), whence SEG , 9.25; for general bibliography on the accounts of the damiergoi see IGCyr011400.


Θε[οί] Ἱαρεὺς Πραξ[.............] . Δαμιεργέντ[ων .........] -ευς Τιμώχω, [..........]  [᾿Ετ]- 5εάρχω, Ἀναξ[---]  [---]  Καρπὸς ἐτι[μάθη ]· [κριθαὶ ἀν] 𐅝, σπυροὶ ἀν [c. 2] , ὄσπρια ἀν [c. 2] , [κύμινον? ἀν] 𐅝 Ζ, [..........]  - - - - - -


French translation

Dieux. Prêtre Prax [---]  [fils d'un tel]. Etant démiurges  [---] s fils de Timôkhos, [un tel] fils d'Et[éarkhos], Anax [---]  [fils d'un tel]. La récolte a été estimée: orge, la mesure, 2 drachmes; froment, la mesure, [tant]; légumes, la mesure, [tant]; [cumin], la mesure, 3 drachmes;  [---] .

English translation

Gods. Priest Prax [---]  [son of So-and-so]. Being damiergoi  [---] s son of Timochos, [So-and-so] son of Et[earchos], Anax [---]  [son of So-and-so]. The crops were estimated: barley, per unit, 2 drachmas; wheat, per unit, [so much]; pulse, per unit, [so much]; [cumin], per unit, 3 drachmas;  [---] .

Italian translation

Dèi. Sacerdote Prax [---]  [figlio del tale]. Essendo damiurghi  [---] s figlio di Timochos, [il tale] figlio di Et[earchos], Anax [---]  [figlio del tale]. Il raccolto è stato valutato: orzo a 2 dracme; grano [a tanto]; legumi [a tanto]; [cumino] a 3 dracme;  [---] .

Arabic translation

الآلهة. الكاهن براكس [--- فلان بن فلان]. تحت إشراف كل من الداميرجوي [---] بن تيموخوس و[فلان] بن إت [يارخوس] وأناكس [--- بن فلان]، تم تقدير المحاصيل كالتالي: الشعير، 2 دراخما للمقدار الواحد؛ القمح، للمقدار الواحد [قيمة ما]؛ البقوليات، للمقدار الواحد [قيمة ما]؛ [الكمون]، 3 دراخما للمقدار الواحد. [---].


At line 8, the price being 2 drachmas or a little more, cumin is more likely than straw, which in some accounts follows immediately pulse. So Oliverio was probably right to restore the former.

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