Cyrene Museum, 160.
Fragment of a light grey marble panel, broken above at right and below (0.17; 0.14;0.045).
Inscribed on front face (0.155; 0.14;0.045).
0.005; with light serifs; mu nearly not slanting, slanting sigma, calice-shaped upsilon, phi with flattened loop
Place of Origin
Third century B.C.
Last recorded Location
Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1976 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .
Text constituted from
Transcription from stone (CDL).
Oliverio, 1932-1933 Oliverio, G., 1932-1933, Documenti antichi dell'Africa Italiana, I, fasc. 1-2, Bergamo - see in bibliography , pp. 98-99, n. 34, whence SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden, then Amsterdam, 1923-1971, then 1979- - see in bibliography , 9.35; Dobias-Lalou, 2000 Dobias-Lalou, C., 2000, Le dialecte des inscriptions grecques de Cyrène, Karthago25, Paris - see in bibliography , p. 162, whence SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden, then Amsterdam, 1923-1971, then 1979- - see in bibliography , 50.1637; for general bibliography on the accounts of the damiergoi see IGCyr011400.
[---] : Oliverio, 1932-1933
Oliverio, G., 1932-1933, Documenti antichi dell'Africa Italiana, I, fasc. 1-2, Bergamo - see in bibliography
[---] [ἐλαιᾶν?]
4 ἀμυσ̣[γέλαι ἀν] : Oliverio, 1932-1933
Oliverio, G., 1932-1933, Documenti antichi dell'Africa Italiana, I, fasc. 1-2, Bergamo - see in bibliography
Dobias-Lalou, 2000
Dobias-Lalou, C., 2000, Le dialecte des inscriptions grecques de Cyrène, Karthago25, Paris - see in bibliography
Δευτέραν̣ [ἑξάμηνον?] : Oliverio, 1932-1933
Oliverio, G., 1932-1933, Documenti antichi dell'Africa Italiana, I, fasc. 1-2, Bergamo - see in bibliography
Δευτέρας̣ [ἑξαμήνω?]
9 [μέλαινα ἀν] : Oliverio, 1932-1933
Oliverio, G., 1932-1933, Documenti antichi dell'Africa Italiana, I, fasc. 1-2, Bergamo - see in bibliography
[---] , [καρφέων ἀγρίων ἀν ---] , [οἴνω σμιρεὺς ἀν?] : Oliverio, 1932-1933
Oliverio, G., 1932-1933, Documenti antichi dell'Africa Italiana, I, fasc. 1-2, Bergamo - see in bibliography
Χ̣[Χ ---] , [καρφέων ἀγρίων ἁ ἅμαξα?]
12 Α[---] : Oliverio, 1932-1933
Oliverio, G., 1932-1933, Documenti antichi dell'Africa Italiana, I, fasc. 1-2, Bergamo - see in bibliography
ἀ[χύρων ῥῖπος---]
[---] oignons, la mesure, [tant]; [---] noir(e)s, la mesure, [ tant]; foin cultivé, [la mesure, tant]; cumin, la mesure, 20 drachmes; amandes, [la mesure, tant]; raisin sec, la mesure, 20 drachmes; figues, [la mesure, tant]; [---] , la mesure, 4 drachmes. Deuxième semestre: [---] , pois, la mesure, 24 drachmes; huile, [la mesure, tant]; ail, le talent, [tant; raisin sous] garantie, hâtif, la mesure, [tant; noir, la mesure, tant]; hors garantie, hâtif, la mesure, [tant; noir, la mesure, tant]; foin cultivé, la mesure, [tant; foin sauvage, la mesure, tant]; [vin, le smireus ?], 40 drachmes; [---] .
[---] onions, per unit, [so much]; [---] black, per unit, [so much]; cultivated hay, [per unit, so much]; cumin, per unit, 20 drachmas; almonds, [per unit, so much]; raisins, per unit, 20 drachmas; figs, [per unit, so much]; [---] , per unit, 4 drachmas. Second semester: [---] , peas, per unit, 24 drachmas; oil, [per unit, so much]; garlic, per talent, [so much; grapes: under] guarantee, early, per unit, [so much; black, per unit, so much]; without guarantee, early, per unit, [so much; black, per unit, so much]; cultivated hay, per unit, [so much; wild hay, per unit, so much]; [wine, per smireus ?], 40 drachmas; [---] .
[---] cipolle, [a tanto]; [---] nera/e, [a tanto]; fieno coltivato, [a tanto]; cumino, a 20 dracme; mandorle, [a tanto]; uva passa, a 20 dracme; fichi, [a tanto]; [---] , a 4 dracme. Secondo semestre: [---] , piselli, a 24 dracme; olio, [a tanto]; aglio, per talento, [a tanto; uva] scelta, primaticcia, [a tanto; nera, a tanto]; non scelta, primaticcia, [a tanto; nera, a tanto]; fieno coltivato, [a tanto; fieno selvatico, a tanto]; [vino, per smireus ?], 40 dracme; [---] .
[---] البصل، للمقدار الواحد، [قيمة ما] ؛ [---] الأسود، ، للمقدار الواحد، [قيمة ما]؛ التبن المزروع، [، للمقدار الواحد، قيمة ما]؛ الكمون، للمقدار الواحد، 20 دراخما؛ اللوز، [للمقدار الواحد، قيمة ما]؛ الزبيب، للمقدار الواحد، 20 دراخما؛ التين، [للمقدار الواحد، قيمة ما]؛ [---]، للمقدار الواحد، 4 دراخما. الفصل الثاني: [---]، البازلاء، للمقدار الواحد، 24 دراخما؛ الزيت، [للمقدار الواحد، قيمة ما]؛ الثوم، لكل تالنت، [قيمة ما؛ العنب: مباع] بعقد مسبق، المبكر، للمقدار الواحد، [قيمة ما؛ الأسود، للمقدار الواحد، قيمة ما]؛ غير مباع بعقد مسبق، المبكر، للمقدار الواحد، [قيمة ما؛الأسود، للمقدار الواحد، قيمة ما]؛ التبن المزروع، للمقدار الواحد، [قيمة ما؛ التبن البري، للمقدار الواحد، قيمة ما]؛ [النبيذ، لكل سميريوس؟]، 40 دراخما؛ [---].
This account seems to have been written on a very wide panel, l. 33 giving an approximate length for other lines. But parallels are few and in poor condition for the III century, when a division into two semesters appears. Hence restorations should be cautious.
In this account, just as at IGCyr013800, the semesters are not inscribed in columns.
The product which is said μέλαινα (l. 2) would rather be grapes than olives, as Oliverio thought. But the space available at ll. 1 and 2 for all different species of grapes would be rather short. So we prefer not to restore the formulas.
As straw has genitive with ἀν at ll. 10-11, there is no point in restoring ἁ ἅμαξα at l. 3 (and also not at l. 11).
The price at beginning of l. 12 seems too high for wild hay. The only product known to us that costs 40 dr. in the III century accounts is wine (see IGCyr063900); for this unit, see Dobias-Lalou, 2000 Dobias-Lalou, C., 2000, Le dialecte des inscriptions grecques de Cyrène, Karthago25, Paris - see in bibliography , pp. 202-203.
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