

Trismegistos ID: 105918

Source Description


Marble base, heavily corroded, with double plain mouldings (0.73; 0.23;0.58).


Inscribed on main face.


0.025, no serifs; slanting sigma, smaller omicron.

Place of Origin

Cyrene .


End of fourth or beginning of third centuries B.C. (lettering, prosopography)


Bought by H.F. De Cou on April 7th, 1911 from an Arab at Cyrene (see commentary).

Last recorded Location

Seen by G. Oliverio before 1932.

Present Location

Never found since.

Text constituted from

Transcription from previous editors.


Robinson, 1913 , p. 178, n. 48 (without illustration), whence Sammelbuch 5896; Oliverio, 1933-1936 , p. 114, n. 98, fig. 54, whence SEG , 9.210. Cf. Thorn-Thorn, 2009 , p. 137.


Κυρβασίας Πράτιος


French translation

Kyrbasias fils de Pratis.

English translation

Kyrbasias son of Pratis.

Italian translation

Kyrbasias figlio di Pratis.


Oliverio's provenance 'Necropolis' is only conjectural, as shown by De Cou's indication in Robinson, 1913 . Consequently, a family link with Pratis in IGCyr025300 is quite uncertain as both bases might come from different places and not from a common family tomb. Without further arguments, the Thorns suspected that the provenance was the North Necropolis.

On the other hand a P[rati]s son of Kyrbasias is mentioned in 320 B.C. in the diagramma of Ptolemy (IGCyr010800, l. 79) as being nomophylax . The fact that the name Kyrbasias is very rare allows to consider that both mentions refer to one and the same person, rather than to grandfather and grandson.

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