

Trismegistos ID: 738276

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, inv. number unknown.


White marble base with plain mouldings above and below, the upper one badly chipped; left side broken off (0.59; 0.35;0.65).


Inscribed on the face between the mouldings (0.575; 0.16;0.40), with each line well centered, the letters pressed together in the middle, with large margins on both sides.


0.05; carefully cut and apicated letters.

Place of Origin



End of second or beginning of first century B.C. (lettering)


Found at an unknown date at Cyrene : Necropolis , probably North Necropolis (Thorn).

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1979 in Shahat : in front of the ancient Sculpture Museum and again in 1997 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Oliverio, 1933-1936 , p. 116, n. 112, fig. 68, whence SEG , 9.224. Cf. Beschi, 1970 , p. 200 and fig. 55 (discovery), p. 204 (date of the base); Thorn-Thorn, 2009 , p. 138 (probable provenance).


Ψαφὼι Διονυσίω


French translation

Psaphô fille de Dionysios.

English translation

Psapho daughter of Dionysios.

Italian translation

Psaphò figlia di Dionysios.

Arabic translation

بسافو بنة ديونيسيوس


Beschi dates the base of 2nd half of III or beginning of II B.C. However the script is clearly younger (so also Fraser-Matthews, 1987 , pp. 137, 488, following J.M. Reynolds' opinion).

Beschi shows an archive photograph proving that the base was found in the same undefined tomb as IGCyr025900 together with the mourning half-figure n. 7 of his catalogue, although the latter matches none of the bases.

As the Thorns put it, the only Necropolis where the Italians made some excavations before World War II is the Northern one.

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