Public honors for an officer of Ptolemy IV and Arsinoe III


Trismegistos ID: 6100

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, 1962.


Upper left angle of a marble base broken off at right and chipped above (0.105 to 0.295; 0.295;0.785); on the upper face, near the break, there is a hollow for attachment of a statue.


Inscribed on the face.


Careful lettering, very similar to IGCyr063100.

Place of Origin



Between 221 and 204 B.C. (reign)


Found in 1935 at Cyrene : in the Greek Theatre .

Last recorded Location

Seen in 2007 by L. Gasperini in Shahat : in the Casa Parisi, which is part of the Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from previous editor.


Fraser, 1958 , p. 113, n. 6, pl. XII, 6, whence SEG , 18.733. Cf. PP 15771; Laronde, 1987 , p. 417, whence SEG , 38.1882.


Πτολεμα̣[ῖον ---]  [---]  ἀρετᾶς ἕ[νεκα καὶ εὐνοίας τᾶς ἐς βασιλῆ Πτο]-λεμαῖο[ν καὶ βασίλισσαν Ἀρσινόαν θεὸς] Φιλοπάτ[ορας καὶ τὸν υἱὸν αὐτῶν] 5 (vac. 6) [Κυραναῖοι] (vac. 6).


1 Fraser, 1958  [---]  (at the end of the line) : Laronde, 1987  [Λιβυάρχαν?]

4 [καὶ τὸν υἱὸν αὐτῶν] : Fraser, 1958  [καὶ τὰ τέκνα αὐτῶν]

5 [Κυραναῖοι] : Fraser, 1958  [------]  

French translation

(La statue de) Ptolémée fils de [---]  [(titre aulique)], pour son mérite [et sa bienveillance à l'égard du roi] Ptolémée [et de la reine Arsinoé, Dieux] Philopatores, [ainsi que leur fils, les Cyrénéens] (l'ont consacrée).

English translation

(The statue of) Ptolemy son of [---]  [(his title)] on account of his valour [and his goodwilling towards king] Ptolemy, [queen Arsinoe, Gods] Philopatores, [and their son, the Cyreneans] (dedicated).

Italian translation

(La statua di) Tolemeo figlio di [---]  [(titolo aulico)] in considerazione del suo valore [e della sua dedizione verso il re] Tolemeo [e la regina Arsinoe, Dèi] Filopatori, [e il loro figlio, i Cirenei] (dedicarono).


Thought to be lost already in 1955, this inscription was published by Fraser from a photograph, from which the stone seemed to be a panel. Thanks to the drawing provided here from the archive kept at the University of Macerata, we now know that L. Gasperini saw the stone in 2007 and take advantage of his accurate description. The fragment belonged in fact to a monumental base, as indicated by the depth of the fragment. This gives also an idea of the possible width of the whole base, which is in fitting with the proposed restorations.

Fraser suspected the name of the dedicants to have been lost at l. 5. On account of the great similarity with IGCyr063100, it seems more probable that they were the Cyrenaeans rather than a private person.

At l. 4 our restoration is based ont the fact that only one son, the future Ptolemy V Epiphanes, is known for the royal couple.

For the possibility of Λιβυάρχας see also at IGCyr063100.

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