Dedication to Apollo, probably with epithet Soter


Trismegistos ID: 6186

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, inv. number unknown.


White marble base, cut off on left side for re-use as an ambon step and partly broken off at the same side (0.54-; 0.58;0.80).


Inscribed on the face with space between letters varying at each line.


0.03 at ll. 1-2 and 8-10, 0.04 at ll. 3-7.

Place of Origin

Port of Cyrene, later Apollonia .


Ca. 345 B.C. (lettering)


Found in 1929 in the Port of Cyrene, later Apollonia : re-used in baptistery of East Church .

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1979 in Shahat : outside the ancient Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Pugliese Carratelli-Oliverio, 1961 , p. 40, n. 20 (from †Oliverio's papers), ph. 42 fig. 35, and Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique , 1962.368, whence SEG , 20.707; Reynolds, 1976 , n. 5, whence SEG , 27.1125bis. Cf. Laronde, 1987 , pp. 99, 106-107, 118, 121, whence SEG , 38.1877; Dobias-Lalou, 2003 , whence SEG , 53.2029.


[Θεα]ρ̣ο̣ὶ [ἐς] Δ̣ελφὸς  [c. 5 - 6]ς̣ Παραιβάτα  [c. 7 - 8] Σωγένε[υ]ς 5[Κάλλι]π̣π̣oς Αἰγλάνορο[ς]  [c. 5 - 6] Εὐρυπτολέμω [c. 4]  νης Φιλοκώμω [τῶι] Ἀ̣πόλλωνι [τῶι? Σω]τῆρι 10[ἀνέθη]κ̣αν.


1 Pugliese Carratelli-Oliverio, 1961  [θεαρο]ὶ : Reynolds, 1976  [θεαρ]ο̣ί̣

3 Reynolds, 1976   [c. 5 - 6]ς̣ Παραιβάτα : Pugliese Carratelli-Oliverio, 1961  [---] ς̣ Παραιβάτα : Laronde, 1987  [Εύκλείδα]ς Παραιβάτα

4 Pugliese Carratelli-Oliverio, 1961  [---]  Σωγένε[υ]ς : Reynolds, 1976  [..........]  Σωγένε[υ]ς

5 Laronde, 1987  [Κάλλι]π̣π̣oς : Pugliese Carratelli-Oliverio, 1961  [---] τ̣ος : Reynolds, 1976   [c. 6 - 7]τ̣ος

7 [c. 4]  νης : Pugliese Carratelli-Oliverio, 1961  [---] νης : Reynolds, 1976  [.....] ν̣η̣ς

8 [τῶι] Ἀ̣πόλλωνι : Pugliese Carratelli-Oliverio, 1961  Ἀ̣πόλλωνι : Reynolds, 1976  (vac.)[Ἀ]πόλλωνι

9 [τῶι? Σω]τῆρι : Pugliese Carratelli-Oliverio, 1961  [Σω]τῆρι : Reynolds, 1976  (vac.)Σ̣[ω]τῆρι

French translation

Les théores envoyés à Delphes, [---]  fils de Paraibatas, [---]  fils de Sôgénès, Kallippos fils d'Aiglanôr, [---]  fils d'Euryptolémos, [c. 4] nès fils de Philokômos, ont consacré (ce monument) à Apollon [Sô?]tèr.

English translation

The theoroi sent to Delphi, [---]  son of Paraibatas, [---]  son of Sogenes, Kallippos son of Aiglanor, [---]  son of Euryptolemos, [c. 4] nes son of Philokomos, dedicated (this monument) to Apollo [So?]ter.

Italian translation

I theoroi inviati a Delfi, [---]  figlio di Paraibatas, [---]  figlio di Sogenes, Kallippos figlio di Aiglanor, [---]  figlio di Euryptolemos, [c. 4] nes figlio di Philokomos, hanno dedicato (questo monumento) ad Apollo [So?]tere.


Only the patronymics of all five thearoi are preserved. Laronde, 1987 , proposed to identify the son of Paraibatas at l. 3 with a man elsewhere known as priest of Apollo, but the restitution seems to long for the space available.

At l. 5, one vertical stroke of each pi may be traced on the stone, so a somewhat allusive proposal by Laronde, 1987 , p. 99 seems good.

At l. 8, there is space for an article before the name of Apollo; at l. 9, the epithet Soter is surprising for Apollo in Cyrenaica, but may be related to his protection against sea dangers; the space available would be filled by the article.

Alternatively, the dedication might have been made to two gods, the second being the well known Zeus Soter, but the space would only allow for [Ζηνὶ Σω]τῆρι and this would not fit well with the article τῶι at l. 8.

This dedication by the thearoi sent to Delphi probably occurred during the ceremony known as prothearia at IGCyr109200.

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