

Trismegistos ID: 738382

Source Description


Lead tablet, found open, but broken into 19 fragments: one larger fragment (a), broken off on all sides, but probably keeping the original first line and the left margin (0.06; 0.086;0.001), the rest consisting of two smaller, joining fragments (b + c) and sixteen tiny fragments (d-s) with one or two letters.


Engraved on one side, nearly stoichedon.


0.003 to 0.004, no eta, no omega; epsilon with the lower bar sometimes leaning, slanting sigma and mu, dissymmetrical nu, upsilon without tail; some punctuation marks.

Place of Origin



Probably not after 400 B.C. (lettering)


Found in 1964 at Cyrene : in a deposit on the agora , near the northern wall of the Temple of Apollo Archegetes .

Present Location

Not seen by IGCyr team.

Text constituted from

Transcription from previous editor.


Gasperini, 1990 , pp. 18-22 (= Gasperini, 2008 , pp. 283-288) and Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique , 1991.672, whence SEG , 40.1595. Cf. Gasperini, 1967 , p. 178 (= Gasperini, 2008 , pp. 217-226; Arena, 1990 ; Lonati, 1990 , pp. 224-225.


fragment a
[Θεό?]ς· Κατέβλ[ε̄θεν---]   [c. 2 - 2]νος Δελφ[---]  Φιλ[]-[ο?]κṓμō πεμπ[---]  τō̃ν δ᾽ ἱαρομνα̣[μόνōν ---]  5φόρον λαβό<ν>τ[---] -Α : ἀργυρίō μν[αῖ ---] -ΑΙ ἴκατι ὀκτό̄ δ̣̣̣[---] [ἑμ]-ιστάτε̄́ρον ἓν Ε̣[---]  ἐ̣φ᾽ Ἑρμε̄σάνδ[ρō ---]  10 [.]  [μ]ν̣αῖ ἑκατὸ[ν ---]  [..] [κο]ντα δρα[χμ---]  [....] ΝΕΝ τοὶ ο̣[---]  [.]  [τετ]ρακάτιαι̣ [---]  [...]  [χε̄]λιαι ΕΜ[---]  15 [....]  [δ]ρ̣αχμα[---]  - - - - - -

fragment b+c
- - - - - - [---]  δ᾽ ἐνν[ε̄̃ ---]  [---]  [χ]ε̄́λιαι τ[---]  [---] α στα̣[τε̄́ρ---]  [---] ΚΟ[---]  - - - - - -
fragment d
- - - - - - [---] ε̣ α [---]  [---] υ̣ρ[---]  - - - - - -
fragment e
- - - - - - [---]  + [---]  [---] ΥΙ[---]  - - - - - -
fragment f
[.. ? ..]  [---]  + [---]  [---] ΚΟ[---]  [.. ? ..] 
fragment g
[.. ? ..]  [---] Ο[---]  [.. ? ..] 
fragment h
[.. ? ..]  [---] Π α [---]  [---] Τ[---]  [.. ? ..] 
fragment i
[.. ? ..]  [---]  ι [---]  (vac.)
fragment j
[.. ? ..]  [---] Ν[---]  [.. ? ..] 
fragment k
[.. ? ..]  [---] Ε[---]  [.. ? ..] 
fragment l
[.. ? ..]  [---]  + [---]  [---] Μ[---]  [.. ? ..] 
fragment m
[.. ? ..]  [---] Ι[---]  [.. ? ..] 
fragment n
[.. ? ..]  [---] Α[---]  [.. ? ..] 
fragment o
[.. ? ..]  [---] Ρ[---]  [.. ? ..] 
fragment p
[.. ? ..]  [---] Ε̣Ο[---]  [.. ? ..] 
fragment q
[.. ? ..]  [---] Ι[---]  [.. ? ..] 
fragment r
[.. ? ..]  [---] Ρ[---]  [.. ? ..] 
fragment s
[.. ? ..]  [---] Σ[---]  [.. ? ..]  -


a.1 Κατέβλ[ε̄θεν] : Gasperini, 1990  Κατέβλ[---]  : Gasperini, 1990  Κατέβα[λον Κυραναῖοι?]

a.1-2 [---] | [c. 2 - 2]νος Δελφ[---]  : Gasperini, 1990  [Ἀπό]|[λλō]νος Δελφ[ικō̃?] : Arena, 1990  [Ἀπό]|[λλō]νος Δελφ[ιδίō̃?] : Arena, 1990  [Ἀπό]|[λλō]νος Δελφ[νίō̃?]

a.6 μν[αῖ] : Gasperini, 1990  μν[α]

a.7-8 [ἑμ]|ιστάτε̄ρον ἓν Ε̣[---]  : Gasperini, 1990  [---] ι στατε̄́ρōν ἐνε̣[---] 

a.12  ΝΕΝ τοὶ : Ν ἐν το̄ι (seems also possible)

d-s (we edit the fragments from Gasperini's drawing)

French translation

a) [Dieu?]. Ont été déposés  [---]  (voir commentaire l. 2)  [---]  de [Philo]kômos (voir commentaire l. 3)  [---]  des hiaromnamons  [---]  (voir commentaire l. 5) reçevant  [---]  . Mine(s) d'argent  [---]  vingt-huit mines  [---]  un hémistatère  [---] .

Sous (le prêtre) Hermèsandros,  [---]  cent mines  [---]  [tant de] dizaines, drachmes [tant]  [---]  les  [---]  quatre cents  [---]  mille  [---]  drachmes  [---] .

b-c)  [---]  et neuf  [---]  mille  [---]  statères  [---] .

d-s) Intraduisibles.

English translation

a) [God?]. Were deposited  [---]  (see commentary l. 2)  [---]  of [Philo]komos (see commentary l.3)  [---]  of the hiaromnamones  [---]  (see commentary l. 5) receiving  [---]  . Silver mine(s)  [---]  twenty-eight mines  [---]  one hemistater  [---] .

Under (priest) Hermesandros,  [---]  hundred mines  [---]  [so many] tens, drachms [so many]  [---]  the  [---]  four hundred  [---]  thousand  [---]  drachms  [---] .

b-c)  [---]  and nine  [---]  thousand  [---]  stateres  [---] .

d-s) Not usefully translatable.

Italian translation

a) [Dio?]. Sono stati depositati  [---]  (vedi commento l. 2)  [---]  di [Philo]komos (vedi commento l. 3)  [---]  degli hieromnamones  [---]  (vedi commento l. 5) che ricevono  [---]  . Mina/e d'argento  [---]  ventotto mine  [---]  un emistatere  [---] .

Sotto (il sacerdote) Hermesandros,  [---]  cento mine  [---]  [tante] decine, dracme [tante]  [---]  i/gli  [---]  quattrocento  [---]  mille  [---]  dracme  [---] .

b-c)  [---]  e nove  [---]  mille  [---]  stateri  [---] .

d-s) Intraducibili.


In admitting that the first preserved letters at lines 4-9 are the beginning of the original lines, we follow Gasperini's explanation, drawing and photograph; however in editing the text, he admitted some letters missing at the beginning of those lines. That kind of difference we do not report in the apparatus.

Gasperini's restorations at lines 1 and 2 are based on the incipit of a list of fines paid by the Phocidians to the Delphian sanctuary of Apollo, who would be said here 'Apollo the Delphian' (Syll.3 231), a phrase that only occurs in much later and different contexts. Furthermore the hiaromnamones mentioned at line 4 may be Cyrenaean authorities as well as Delphian ones. On the whole, the Delphian interpretation seems uncertain, all the more so that another account found along with this one (IGCyr081200) and probably related to it clearly registers local deposits. What appears at least is that we have at line 2 the end of a name (either a nominative or a genitive) and the beginning of another one built upon the ambiguous root Delph- . We prefer to leave open the question whether they are personal names or a god's name and epithet. If ever the first name was Apollo's, it should be reminded that Delphinios is a cultic epithet of Apollo in Thera (IG , XII 3.537), as it is elsewhere in inscriptions and literature with also a variant Delphidios in some inscriptions of Crete (see Bile, 1993 , pp. 169-170).

At line 3, the segment πεμπ might be either a form of the present tense of the verb 'to send' or part of the numeral 'fifth'. Neither meaning is clear.

At line 5, φόρον might be either the noun 'tribute' or part of a compound adjective such as διάφορος 'different'. Nothing can be decided. The isolated alpha at the beginning of line 6 might be the end of a number of tens.

At line 8, as the 'mines' were mentioned above at the nominative case, we avoid a genitive of 'stateres' in restoring the smaller unit 'hemistater', for which see Laronde, 1987 , p. 235.

We give here the precise findspot by combining Gasperini's rather vague indications with the chronology of the excavations in and around the temple given by Purcaro, 2001 , p. 19.

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