In a white and grey pebbles mosaic of a room in a house with courtyard (6.5; 4.95; -).
Written with tesserae made of blue-black pebbles on the eastern side of the room; written upside down for a reader standing within the room
Place of Origin
Between 261 and 251 B.C. (reign)
Found in 2003 at Euesperides pleiades; HGL : in a room of a house in area P .
Present Location
Not seen by IGCyr team.
Text constituted from
Transcription from editor (CDL).
Wilson, 2003 Wilson, A., et al., 2003, Euesperides (Benghazi): preliminary report on the spring 2003 season, Libyan Studies (LibStud)34, 191-228 - see in bibliography , pp. 194-195 (ph.) (also Wilson, 2003 Wilson, A.I., 2003, Une cité grecque de Libye: fouilles d'Euhésperides (Benghazi), Comptes rendus des séances. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2003, 1647-1675 - see in bibliography , p. 1656 (ph.)), and Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique Dobias-Lalou, C.Bulletin Épigraphique in Études Grecques (REG)1987- - see in bibliography , 2005.624, whence SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden, then Amsterdam, 1923-1971, then 1979- - see in bibliography , 53.2033.
Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique
Dobias-Lalou, C.Bulletin Épigraphique in Études Grecques (REG)1987- - see in bibliography
Εὐκ[λείδ?]α : Wilson, 2003
Wilson, A.I., 2003, Une cité grecque de Libye: fouilles d'Euhésperides (Benghazi), Comptes rendus des séances. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2003, 1647-1675 - see in bibliography
εὐκ[αιρί]a : Wilson, 2003
Wilson, A.I., 2003, Une cité grecque de Libye: fouilles d'Euhésperides (Benghazi), Comptes rendus des séances. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2003, 1647-1675 - see in bibliography
Εὐκ [c. 3 - 4]α
Wilson, 2003
Wilson, A.I., 2003, Une cité grecque de Libye: fouilles d'Euhésperides (Benghazi), Comptes rendus des séances. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2003, 1647-1675 - see in bibliography
ἔργ[οις] : Wilson, 2003
Wilson, A.I., 2003, Une cité grecque de Libye: fouilles d'Euhésperides (Benghazi), Comptes rendus des séances. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2003, 1647-1675 - see in bibliography
ἔργ[ον] (this reading not preferred)
Œuvre d'Euk[leid?]as.
Euk[leid?]as' work.
Opera di Euk[leid?]as.
عمل باسم يوك [ليد؟] اس.
Between two readings, leading to an artist's signature or to a threshold inscription, Wilson preferred the latter, meaning approximatively 'Good issue for the works!'. We find the former more convincing.
Wilson's first argument was the unusual use of ἔργον for an artist's signature, which however is now known in IGCyr108400.
His second argument, the point of view of the reader, who supposedly saw the inscription when entering the room, is intrinsically more valid, but weakened by the wall being robbed on that side of the room: the exact place of the door is in fact not known.
This mosaic belongs to the short-lived last phase of the settlement at Euesperides, allowing to date it precisely from the last years of Magas' reign, which ended at the discussed date of 258 or 250 (see Wilson, 2003 Wilson, A.I., 2003, Une cité grecque de Libye: fouilles d'Euhésperides (Benghazi), Comptes rendus des séances. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2003, 1647-1675 - see in bibliography , pp. 1657-1658).
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