

Trismegistos ID: 738447

Source Description


White marble base with plain mouldings on top and below, covered by lichen because of a long exposure outside (approximate dimensions from photographs ca. 0.84; -;ca. 0.48).


Inscribed on front face in two lines with varying spaces between letters in order to fill the whole width.


Dimensions unknown; alpha with low bar, spoon-shaped zeta, smaller omicron, phi with small flattened loop, horseshoe-shaped omega.

Place of Origin



Probably third century B.C. (lettering)


Copied by J.-R. Pacho in 1825 at Cyrene .

Later recorded Location

Seen by G. Paci in 1993 at Cyrene : West Necropolis , at the time still lying above the facade of tomb W116 Cassels, in precarious stability.

Last recorded Location

Seen and photographed by the Mission of Chieti University in 2001, when already fallen in front of the tomb.

Text constituted from

Transcription from previous editors (CDL).


Pacho, 1827 , pl. LXV.4, whence CIG 5156; Paci, 2003 , pp. 181-182, n. 6, whence SEG , 53.2053, 6. Cf. D'Adazzio in Di Valerio-Cherstich-Carinci, 2005 , p. 56.


Ἀφροδιτία Ζήνωνος


French translation

Aphroditia fille de Zènon.

English translation

Aphroditia daughter of Zenon.

Italian translation

Aphroditia figila di Zenon.


Paci very plausibly thought that Pacho's copy corresponded to the very base that he could see in the Western Necropolis without being able to approach. Later survey by the Mission of the University of Chieti provided more precise informations.

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