Tithe to Apollo


Trismegistos ID: 738506

Source Description


Small white marble, plain rectangular base with hollow for attachment on top (0.605; 0.15;0.465).


Inscribed on front face in three lines, all beginning at the left edge.


0.028; no serifs; mu and sigma slightly slanting, smaller omicron, widely open upsilon; line 3 might be later, with a less careful and deeper lettering.

Place of Origin

Cyrene : Sanctuary of Apollo .


Second half of fourth century B.C.


Found before 1935 at Cyrene : Sanctuary of Apollo , reused upside down in a later wall West of the Strategeion .

Later recorded Location

Seen in 1960 by Pugliese Carratelli at findspot.

Last recorded Location

Seen in 2001 by C. Dobias-Lalou at findspot.

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


SECir , 139 (photo).


Φιλόκωμος Κλευδάμω· δεκάτα ( vac. )


3 δεκάτα : SECir  δεκάτα<ν>

French translation

Philokômos fils de Kleudamos; dîme.

English translation

Philokomos son of Kleudamos; tithe.

Italian translation

Philokomos figlio di Kleudamos; decima.


The formulation is not common. There is no syntactic relation between the personal name and the mention of tithe, which might have been added in a second time.

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