Private honors for Theudoros


Trismegistos ID: 738571

Source Description


White marble rectangular base with two footprints on top (0.605; 0.35;0.35).


Inscribed on the face in three lines centred along the vertical axis.


0.028 at ll. 1 and 2, 0.03 at l. 3; thickening ends of letters; dotted and smaller theta, pi with projecting upper bar, not really slanting sigma, calice-shaped upsilon, widely open omega.

Place of Origin



Probably third century B.C. (lettering)


Found before World War II at Cyrene : West of the Strategeion , in the so-called Agora of the Gods (see commentary).

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1983 in situ.

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Morelli in SECir , 257 (ph.).


Θεύδωρον Εὐμηλίδα Ἀγλωτίμα Ἀριστίππω ἀνέθηκε.


French translation

(Statue de) Theudôros fils d'Eumèlidas consacrée par Aglôtima fille d'Aristippos.

English translation

(Statue of) Theudoros son of Eumelidas dedicated by Aglotima daughter of Aristippos.

Italian translation

(Statua di) Theudoros figlio di Eumelidas dedicata da Aglotima figlia di Aristippos.

Arabic translation

(تمثال) ثيودوروس بن إفميليداس أهدي من قبل أجلوتيما ابنة أريستيبوس


A photograph in Archives of the Department of Antiquities at Cyrene (F1837) shows this stone with the mention «nella zona degli altarini», which is exactly the so-called 'agorà degli dei', West of the Strategeion, where Dobias-Lalou saw it in 1977 and again in 1983. It may thus be inferred that Morelli's «Ad est dello Strategeion» is a slip of the pen for 'ovest'. Besides, the mention on the photograph is a clue for the find dating from the Italian period, before World War II.

Aristippa was probably either the wife of the mother of Theudoros.

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