Private honors


Trismegistos ID: 738586

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, 281.


Left part of a marble block, broken off on all sides but at left (0.21; 0.22;0.28).


Inscribed on the face in three lines centred along vertical axis, beginning at 0.04 from the preserved upper edge.


0.025 to 0.032 (phi); very careful apicated lettering, symmetrical nu, slanting sigma, oval and rather large loop of phi.

Place of Origin



First half of third century B.C. (lettering)


Found before 1960 at Cyrene : exact findspot unrecorded.

Later recorded Location

Seen in 1960 by D. Morelli in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1979 at the same place.

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Morelli in SECir , 281 (ph.). Cf. Masson, 1965 , pp. 238-239 and Fraser-Matthews, 1987 , p. 96.


( vac. ) (vac. 1) Ἀφεν[οκλῆ] (vac. 1) Ἀστυ[κράτευς] Ἀφενο[κλῆς---] 


1 Ἀφεν[οκλῆ] : SECir  Ἀφεν[---] 

2 Ἀστυ[κράτευς] : SECir  Ἀστυ[---] 

3 Ἀφενο[κλῆς] : SECir  Ἀφενο[---] 

French translation

(La statue d') Aphénoklès fils d'Astykratès (a été consacrée) par Aphénoklès [fils de]  [---] .

English translation

(The statue of) Aphenokles son of Astykrates (was dedicated) by Aphenokles [son of]  [---] .

Italian translation

(La statua di) Aphenokles figlio di Astykrates (è stata dedicata) da Aphenokles [figlio di]  [---] .


Although the original upper edge is lost, the preserved space before line 1 allows to be sure that no other line was cut above.

The layout of the personal names aligned at lines 1 and 2, whereas line 3 begins nearer the left edge, allows to suspect a dedication of a human statue by a related person. The stone was either a rectangular base of which the upper edge is lost or a block belonging to a larger monument. In the former case, the father's name of the dedicant should have been rather short. In the latter case, another column with name and father's name would have corresponded to another statue to the right and the dedicant's name might have been completed by the verb of dedication or some other word.

The names at lines 1 and 2 are restored from another mention at IGCyr065210, i.74, as already suspected by Masson and Fraser. The feminine name Ἀφενώ, mentioned as a possibility by Morelli, cannot find its place here on behalf of the layout.

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