Probably list of soldiers


Trismegistos ID: 738619

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, 4572.


Lower right corner of a white marble panel broken off at left and above; (0.125; 0.23;0.078); the back is not so well smoothened as the other sides, either because this side would have been hidden or because the stone has been recut.


Inscribed on front face (probably with axial layout, for the space between letter varies at each line).


0.015 at ll. 1-8, 0.01 at ll. 9-11.

Place of Origin

Cyrene .


Second half of fourth century B.C. (lettering)


Found before 1993 in a votive depot South of Cyrene : in the area of the Wadi el Aish .

Last recorded Location

Seen in 1993 by C. Dobias-Lalou in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Mohamed-Reynolds-Dobias-Lalou, 2007 , pp. 40-41, n. 6, whence SEG , 57.2008. Cf. Dobias-Lalou, 2016 , pp. 246-247.


- - - - - - [---]  [---] ω [---]  [---] στράτω [---]  [---] ά̣ρχω [---]  [---] ά̣ρχω 5 [---]  [Ἁ]ν̣ιόχω [---]  [---] ο̣κρέοντος [---]  [---] [μ]άχω [---]  [Θευχ]ρήστω (vac. 1 line) [---]  [Ἀλε]ξιμάχω 10 [---]  [---] μ̣άχω [---]  [Δι]οφάντω̣


11 [Δι]οφάντω̣ : Mohamed-Reynolds-Dobias-Lalou, 2007  [---] οφάντω̣

French translation

 [---] [Untel fils de]  [---] os, [Untel fils de]  [---] stratos, [Untel fils de]  [---] arkhos, [Untel fils de]  [---] arkhos, [Untel fils de] Haniokhos, [Untel fils de]  [---] okréôn , [Untel fils de]  [---] makhos, [Untel fils de] Theukhrestos, (vac. 1 line) [Untel fils d'] Aleximakhos, [Untel fils de]  [---] makhos, [Untel fils de] Diophantos.

English translation

 [---] [So-and-so son of]  [---] os, [So-and-so son of]  [---] stratos, [So-and-so son of]  [---] archos, [So-and-so son of]  [---] archos, [So-and-so son of] Haniochos, [So-and-so son of]  [---] okreon , [So-and-so son of]  [---] machos, [So-and-so son of] Theuchrestos, (vac. 1 line) [So-and-so son of] Aleximachos, [So-and-so son of]  [---] machos, [So-and-so son of] Diophantos.

Italian translation

 [---] [il tale figlio di]  [---] os, [il tale figlio di]  [---] stratos, [il tale figlio di]  [---] archos, [il tale figlio di]  [---] archos, [il tale figlio di] Haniochos, [il tale figlio di]  [---] okreon , [il tale figlio di]  [---] machos, [il tale figlio di] Theuchrestos, (vac. 1 line) [il tale figlio di] Aleximachos, [il tale figlio di]  [---] machos, [il tale figlio di] Diophantos.


In lettering and layout, this list very much resembles the long lists of military officers (IGCyr014800, IGCyr015100, IGCyr084000 and IGCyr091000). This gives at least a clue for the date. As to the content, C. Dobias-Lalou tried, on behalf of the great similarity, to join this fragment to IGCyr084000. The issue was not successful.

No heading mentioning an office is preserved here. The three lines at bottom are written in smaller and tighter letters, as if the space was too small to include them. It is thus possible that what appears to be a vacat above them bore in fact a heading, now lost.

In spite of the lack of decisive proofs this list may be considered a list of soldiers with rather good confidence.

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