Cyrene Museum, Storeroom of the Italian missions, A74 A2 521.
Fragment of bottom of an Attic black-glazed ware vase (0.04; 0.058;0.003).
Scratched on the outside.
0.022; carelessly cut, badly aligned letters.
Place of Origin
Probably fifth century B.C. (context)
Found in 1974 at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : agora , North-West corner .
Last recorded Location
Observed by R. Leone between 1997 and 2005 in Shahat : Storeroom of the Italian missions .
Present Location
Not seen by IGCyr team.
Text constituted from
Editor's transcription from photograph.
Marengo, 2010 Marengo, S.M., 2010, Iscrizioni da nuovi scavi a Cirene, in M. Luni (ed.), Cirene nell'antichità. Un cinquantennio di attività a Cirene della Missione Archeologica Italiana dell'Università di Urbino "Carlo Bo", Monografie di archeologia libica29, Cirene Atene d'Africa: attività delle missioni archeologiche internazionali a Cirene e in Cirenaica2, Roma, 139-156 - see in bibliography , p. 155, n. 34, fig. 6, 34.
Not usefully translatable.
غير قابل للترجمة بشكل جيد
Too small to allow a ceramological datation, this fragment was found in a sounding that evidenced the building of the small temple with double oikos once considered to be dedicated to the Dioscuri, dated about the middle of the fifth century B.C. (see Bacchielli, 1981 Bacchielli, L., 1981, L'agorà di Cirene. L'area settentrionale del lato Ovest della platea inferiore, I.1, Monografie di archeologia libica15, Roma - see in bibliography , pp. 53-62). This fits well the poor rests of the graffito, which might be a trademark rather than a more carefully cut dedication.
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