

Trismegistos ID: 738794

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, 39.


White marble block, plausibly reused as a cornice, broken off at both sides and on top (0.175; 0.125;0.01-0.065).


Inscribed on the face.


0.025; slight serifs, non-slanting sigma, dotted theta.

Place of Origin

Cyrene .


Probably end of third or beginning of first century B.C. (lettering)


Presumably found before World War II at Cyrene : exact findspot unrecorded.

Last recorded Location

Seen in 1979 by C. Dobias-Lalou in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Not previously published.


 [c. 3 - 4]ρω Εὐξ[c. 6]   [c. 3 - 4]μαχος Α[c. 6]  [ἀ]ν̣έθη[καν]


French translation

 [---] rô fille d'Eux [---]  et  [---] makhos fils de A [---]  ont consacré.

English translation

 [---] ro daughter of Eux [---]  and  [---] machos son of A [---]  dedicated.

Italian translation

 [---] ra figlia di Eux [---]  e  [---] machos figlio di A [---]  hanno dedicato.


The larger spacing of line 3 combined with the segments of personal names on line 1 and 2 allows to restore the plural of the verb. We should thus have one person mentioned at line 1 and another one at line 2. So the ending -ρω should belong to a feminine name.

We know of a family where Ζευξίμαχος and Εὔξενος are favorite names at the beginning of the third century B.C. (see IGCyr065210, lines A.156-159). There is also a Ἁγησίων but the space available at line 2 seems to short to restore it. Anyhow, the span of time is too large to allow a serious hypothesis, so we leave the question open.

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