Cyrene Museum, 313.
Fragment of a small white marble rectangular block, broken off at right and left (0.13; 0.078;0.10).
Inscribed on the face in two lines.
0.015 with very slight serifs; carefully cut; no typical shape.
Place of Origin
Probably second half of fourth or first half of third century B.C.
Found before 1977 at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : exact findspot unrecorded.
Last recorded Location
Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1977 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .
Text constituted from
Transcription from stone (CDL).
Not previously published.
1 Ἱ̣ππι [c. 1 - 2] : Ἱ̣ππί[α] : (or) Ἵ̣ππι[ος]
[c. 7 - 9]ων : [ἱαριτεύ]ων : (or) [τελεσφορέ]ων
[---] fils de Hippi [---] a consacré au cours de [ sa prêtrise] ((ou) en [ accomplissant la telesphoria ]).
[---] son of Hippi [---] dedicated while [being priest] ((or) while [accomplishing the telesphoria ]).
[---] figlio di Hippi [---] ha dedicato quando era [ sacerdote] ((o) quando [compiva la telesphoria ]).
The personal name at line 1 might be either Hippis or Hippias, both attested in Cyrenaica. Given its place, it should be the father's name of the dedicant. We do not know of any priest whose father had this name, so we cannot decide between the two possibilities of common formulas with different lengths proposed in the apparatus for the beginning of line 2.
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