List of names


Trismegistos ID: 738832

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, 321.


Small fragment of a white marble panel, broken off at right and left, above and below; re-used on the opposite side during the late imperial period (unexploitable inscription): 0.105; 0.125;0.033.


Inscribed on the face in two columns.


0.006; non-slanting sigma, widely open upsilon with short hasta.

Place of Origin



Perhaps second century B.C. (lettering)


Found before 1976 at Cyrene : exact findspot unrecorded.

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1976 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Not previously published.


column i
- - - - - - [---]  [---] ντο[ς ---]  [---] αντος [---]  [---] αντος [---]  [Διο]νυσίω 5 [---]  [Διο]νυσίω [---]  [...] δώρω - - - - - -
column ii
- - - - - - [---]  [---]  ῾Ρ[---]  [---]  Ἱερ[---]  [---]  Ζη[ν---]  [---]  + [---]  - - - - - -


French translation

Col. i.  [---]  [Untel] fils de  [---] as/an, [Untel] fils de  [---] as/an, [Untel] fils de  [---] as/an, [Untel] fils de Dionysios, [Untel] fils de Dionysios, [Untel] fils de  [---] dôros,  [---] .

Col. ii. Intraduisible.

English translation

Col. i.  [---]  [So-and-so] son of  [---] as/an, [So-and-so] son of  [---] as/an, [So-and-so] son of  [---] as/an, [So-and-so] son of Dionysios, [So-and-so] son of Dionysios, [So-and-so] son of  [---] doros,  [---] .

Col. ii. Not usefully translatable.

Italian translation

Col. i.  [---]  [il tale] figlio di  [---] as/an, [il tale] figlio di  [---] as/an, [il tale] figlio di  [---] as/an, [il tale] figlio di Dionysios, [il tale] figlio di Dionysios, [il tale] figlio di  [---] doros,  [---] .

Col. ii. Intraducibile.


This list laid out in two columns of small characters seems to be a list of ephebes. But it is too fragmentary to allow any certainty.

Brothers were probably mentioned successively: two sons of a Dionysios and possibly three sons of a man bearing a name such as Arimmas or the Libyan name Igisan (for the inflexion of such names see Dobias-Lalou, 1999 ).

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