A double rock-cut altar with two shallow compartments, one (a) complete at left, the other (b) at right broken off at the front part (dimensions unknown).
Inscribed on the front face below compartment a); textpart b) is supposed to have stood in the lost part below compartment b).
0.05; slightly slanting mu, upsilon with widely open oblique bars.
Place of Origin
Probably last quarter of fourth or first half of third century B.C. (lettering)
Found between 2008 and 2012 by the Mission of Urbino at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : Southern Extra-Mural Sacred Zone , North-West of the Extra-Mural Temple of Demeter .
Last recorded Location
First studied in 2012 by E. Rosamilia in situ.
Text constituted from
Transcription from editor.
Gasparini-Rosamilia, 2016 Gasparini, M., Rosamilia, E., 2016, I nuovi altari rupestri extraurbani dallo Uadi Belgadir e il culto di Zeus e delle Eumenidi, in V. Purcaro, O. Mei, Cirene greca e romana II, Monografie di archeologia libica, 44, Cirene Atene d'Africa9, 189-217 - see in bibliography , n. 3 (fig. 19).
a) (Autel) des Euménides.
b) [Autel de Zeus?].
a) (Altar) of the Eumenides.
b) [Altar of Zeus?].
a) (Altare) delle Eumenidi.
b) [Altare di Zeus?].
E. Rosamilia suggested to restore Zeus' name at right only for reasons of symmetry and on behalf of other examples here and in other areas.
As for this abbreviation of the name of the Eumenides, there is a parallel at IGCyr031100.
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