Four fragments of small vessel, Attic black-glazed ware (diameter 0.075).
Place of Origin
Perhaps, first half of the fifth century B.C. (monument-type)
Found by G. Oliverio before 1935 at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : Sanctuary of Apollo, Fountain Terrace .
Present Location
Not seen by IGCyr team; already lost in 1987 (Maffre).
Text constituted from
Transcription from editor (CDL).
Oliverio, Taccuini inediti Oliverio, G., Taccuini inediti - see in bibliography , VI.69 (dr.), whence Pugliese Carratelli in SECir Oliverio, G., Pugliese-Carratelli, G., Morelli, D., 1961-1962, Supplemento Epigrafico Cirenaico, Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente (ASAA)39-40 (= n.s. 23-24), 219-375 - see in bibliography , 151 (no image); Dobias-Lalou, 1970 Dobias-Lalou, C., 1970, Pour une chronologie des inscriptions archaïques de Cyrène, Revue de Philologie, de Littérature et d'Histoire Anciennes (RPh)ser. 3, 44, 228-256 - see in bibliography , p. 248, n. 17; Maffre, 2007 Maffre, J.J., 2007, La dévotion à Apollon d'après des graffiti inscrits sur des fragments de céramique grecque trouvés à Cyrène, in C. Dobias-Lalou (ed.), Questions de religion cyrénéenne: actes du colloque de Dijon, 21-23 mars 2002, Karthago27, Paris, 166-183 - see in bibliography , n. 19.
1 hιαρο͂[ν] : Dobias-Lalou, 1970 Dobias-Lalou, C., 1970, Pour une chronologie des inscriptions archaïques de Cyrène, Revue de Philologie, de Littérature et d'Histoire Anciennes (RPh)ser. 3, 44, 228-256 - see in bibliography hιαρό̄[ν]hιαρό[ν] (sic); SECir Oliverio, G., Pugliese-Carratelli, G., Morelli, D., 1961-1962, Supplemento Epigrafico Cirenaico, Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente (ASAA)39-40 (= n.s. 23-24), 219-375 - see in bibliography hιαρό[ν]
Dîme des biens du dieu.
Tithe from the divine goods.
Decima dei beni divini.
We take ἱαρο͂ν to be a genitive neuter plural. As shown in IGCyr016700, line 58, the properties of a δεκατός are common property of him and the god. It is thus conceivable that they deserve the word ἱαρός as long as the tithe has not been consecrated. This gives a better reading than the neuter singular ἱαρόν, proposed by Pugliese Carratelli and hitherto accepted, which might however be possible if both words were independant nominal sentences.
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