Fragment of a marble panel broken on all sides (dimensions unknown).
Inscribed on two columns.
Height unknown.
Place of Origin
280 B.C. (monument-type)
Copied by R.M. Smith and E.A. Porcher in 1861 at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : House of Jason Magnus (said Augusteum by Smith and Porcher).
Present Location
Probably lost.
Text constituted from
Transcription from editor.
Smith-Porcher, 1864 Smith, R.M., Porcher, E.A., 1864, History of the recent discoveries at Cyrene, made during an expedition to the Cyrenaica in 1860-61, under the auspices of Her Majesty's government, London - see in bibliography , p. 113, n. 21 and pl. 83 (whence SGDI Bechtel, F., Baunack, J., et al., Collitz, H. (ed.), Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften, III.2, Göttingen, 1905 - see in bibliography 4836); Dobias-Lalou, 2016 Dobias-Lalou, C., 2016, Sur les listes d'anthroponymes de Cyrène à l'époque hellénistique, Studi Ellenistici30, 239-258 - see in bibliography , p. 241-242.
column a
[Untel fils d'Untel] 500 drachmes, [Untel fils de ---] sagoras, 500 drachmes, [Untel] fils de Xouthos, 500 drachmes, [Untel] fils d'Alexis, 500 drachmes, [Untel] fils de Theukhrestos, 500 drachmes, [Untel] fils de Biandros, [tant de drachmes], [Untel] fils d'Anaxis, [tant de drachmes], [---] .
column b
[---] , Annikeris [fils d'Untel, tant de drachmes], Lysis [fils d'Untel, tant de drachmes], Philokom[os fils d'Untel, tant de drachmes], Sosikrates [fils d'Untel, tant de drachmes], Ly[---] [fils d'Untel, tant de drachmes ], [---] .
column a
[---] , [So-and-so son of So-and-so] 500 drachmas, [So-and-so son of ---] sagoras, 500 drachmas, [So-and-so] son of Xouthos, 500 drachmas, [So-and-so] son of Alexis, 500 drachmas, [So-and-so] son of Theuchrestos, 500 drachmas, [So-and-so] son of Biandros, [so many drachmas], [So-and-so] son of Anaxis, [so many drachmas], [---] .
column b
[---] , Annikeris [son of So-and-so, so many drachmas], Lysis [son of So-and-so, so many drachmas], Philokom[os son of Untel, so many drachmas], Sosikrates [son of So-and-so, so many drachmas], Ly[---] [son of So-and-so, so many drachmas], [---] .
column a
[---] [Il tale figlio del tale] 500 drachmas, [il tale figlio di ---] sagoras, 500 dracme, [il tale] figlio di Xouthos, 500 dracme, [il tale] figlio di Alexis, 500 dracme, [il tale] figlio di Theuchrestos, 500 dracme, [il tale] figlio di Anaxis, [tante dracme], [---] .
column b
[---] , Annikeris [figlio del tale, tante dracme], Lysis [figlio del tale, tante dracme], Philokom[os figlio del tale, tante dracme], Sosikrates [figlio del tale, tante dracme], Ly[---] [figlio del tale, tante dracme], [---] .
Although not adjacent to any of the contributors lists (IGCyr065200, IGCyr065210 and IGCyr097170), this fragment, which could not be clearly interpreted by the first editors, belongs clearly to that group. Lacking precisions about the letter size, we cannot decide to which list this fragment belonged.
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