Accounts of the damiergoi


Trismegistos ID: 738216

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, 87.


Upper left angle of a white marble stele with cymatium.


Inscribed under cymatium (0.135; 0.1;0.035 dimensions of the inscribed panel).


0.01; nu, mu and omega rather ancient in shape.

Place of Origin



Perhaps, first half of the fourth century B.C. (lettering)


Found before 1933 at Cyrene : agora .

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou on May 5th, 1976 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum ; a small fragment now lost at bottom.

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Oliverio, 1932-1933 , p. 95, n. 26, whence SEG , 9.27; for general bibliography on the accounts of the damiergoi see IGCyr011400.


Θεοί. Δάμιο[ς]  [c. 22 - 24] Θευχρήστ[ω]  [c. 24 - 26] Μελανίππ̣[ω δαμιεργῶν?], [ἱαρεὺς] τὠπόλλ̣[ωνος]  [c. 22 - 24] . 5Καρπὸ̣[ς ἐτιμάθη]·  [c. 19 - 21] στα[φυλὰ ψυθία ἔνδος τᾶς προκλησίας ]  [c. 2 - 4] ψυ[θία ἔξος τᾶς προκλησίας]  [c. 1 - 4], [μέλαινα ἔνδος τᾶς προκλησίας]  [c. 1 - 4], [μέλαινα ἔξος τᾶς προκλησίας]  [c. 19 - 21] - - - - - -


1 Δάμιο[ς]  [c. 22 - 24] : Oliverio, 1932-1933  Δαμιο[ργοὶ]

3 [δαμιεργῶν?] : Oliverio, 1932-1933  [---] 

6 (the initial sigma is now lost)

7 (the initial psi and upsilon are now lost)

French translation

Dieux. Damis [fils d'un tel], [.. ? ..]  Theukhrestos [.. ? ..] , [un tel fils de] Melanippos [démiurges; prêtre] d'Apollon [un tel fils d'un tel]. La récolte [a été estimée]:  [---]  raisin [hâtif sous garantie, tant]; hâtif [hors garantie, tant; noir sous garantie, tant; noir hors garantie, tant;]  [---] .

English translation

Gods. Damis [son of So-and-so], [.. ? ..]  Theuchrestos [.. ? ..] , [So-and-so son of] Melanippos [damiergoi; priest] of Apollo [So-and-so son of So-and-so]. The crops [were estimated]:  [---]  grapes: [early under guarantee, so much]; early [without guarantee, so much; black under guarantee, so much; black without guarantee, so much;]  [---] .

Italian translation

Dèi. Damis [figlio del tale], [.. ? ..]  Theuchrestos [.. ? ..] , [il tale figlio di] Melanippos [damiurghi; sacerdote] di Apollo [il tale figlio del tale]. Il raccolto [è stato valutato]:  [---]  uva: [primaticcia scelta, tanto]; primaticcia [non scelta, tanto; nera scelta, tanto; nera non scelta, tanto;]  [---] .

Arabic translation

الآلهة. داميس [بن فلان]، [..؟ ..] ثيوخريستوس [..؟ ..]، [فلان بن] ميلانيبوس [الداميرجوي. كاهن] أبولو [فلان بن فلان]. المحاصيل [قُدرت كاتالي]: [---] العنب: [المبكر(مباع بعقد مسبق)، قيمة ما]. المبكر [(غيرمباع بعقد مسبق)، قيمة ما. الأسود (مُباع بعقد مسبق)، قيمة ما؛ أسود (غيرمباع بعقد مسبق) ، قيمة ما؛ ---].


The length of the lines is inferred from the restitution on line 6, on the basis of the repetitive lists of products.

At line 1 there is no reason to admit with Oliverio a form δαμιοργοί which would not fit the dialect. We should rather have the name of the first damiergos at the genitive case of Damis. Another Damis is mentioned as the first damiergos in IGCyr013000, but both lack their father's names, which were probably different, as we don't know examples of one and the same damiergos in charge in two different years.

At lines 1-3, the list of three damiergoi begins with Damis, whose father is unknown, and ends with Melanippos, the father of the unknown third damiergos . Between them, we cannot know whether Theukhrestos is the own name or the father's name of the second damiergos .

Both the space available and the genitive of the first damiergos induce to admit a mixed syntax, with the damiergoi at the genitive and the priest at the nominative.

At line 5, the products, now lost, that were registered before grapes are fewer than in other accounts.

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