Private honors


Trismegistos ID: 5998

Source Description


White marble rectangular block with two holes for feet on the upper side, which was certainly adjacent to one or more other similar blocks, now lost, to form a large base (0.725; 0.305;0.60).


Inscribed on front face in two (or more) columns of two lines with a final line on the whole width of the original base.


0.025 at ll. 1-4; 0.035 at l. 5.

Place of Origin



Probably second century B.C.


Found in 1928 at Cyrene : Sanctuary of Apollo (see commentary).

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1983, placed on the unidentified temple W of the Temple of Artemis .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Oliverio, 1930 , p. 190, n. 14, whence SEG , 9.67.


column a
Φαίνιππος Ἀκέστα
column b
[---]  [---] 
5Ἀκευσιλέα Ἀκε[---]  [ἀνέθηκε].


(For Oliverio's layout, see commentary)

5 Ἀκε[---]  : Oliverio, 1930  Ἀκέ[στα?] || [ἀνέθηκε] : Oliverio, 1930  [---] 

French translation

Phainippos fils d'Akestas.

[Un tel fils d'Un tel].

Akeusilea fille d'Ake[---]  [ a consacré] (les statues).

English translation

Phainippos son of Akestas.

[So-and-so son of So-and-so].

Akeusilea daughter of Ake[---]  [ dedicated] (the statues).

Italian translation

Phainippos figlio di Akestas.

[Il tale figlio del tale].

Akeusilea figlia di Ake[---]  [ha dedicato] (le statue).


Oliverio published the stone as found N-W of the Roman Propylaeum, but it should be an error, because an ancient photograph (Department Archive D.501) shows the stone at the very place where it was still in 1983, with view on the Greek theatre, as if Nikodamos' Wall was not yet unearthed.

Oliverio did not introduce a hierarchy between the preserved names, because he did not notice the different heights of the letters nor the different placement of l. 5 vs. ll. 1-4. He did not thus suspect the layout of the latter in columns.

At l. 5, Oliverio restored the father's name as Akestas and thought this woman to be the sister of Phainippos. However, a name in Ἀκευσι- would also be possible. The feminine name Akeusilea has now another occurrence at Cyrene (see IGCyr121100).

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