

Trismegistos ID: 738238

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, 380.


White marble base, badly worn out, with mouldings of eggs and darts on top and below, with right edge chipped off and back broken off; one hole for attachment on the upper side; two holes for attachment on the under side, maybe for later re-use (0.42; 0.23;0.28).


Inscribed on the face between the mouldings (0.395; 0.14;0.26).



Place of Origin



Fourth century B.C. (prosopography)


Found before 1931 at Cyrene : Sanctuary of Apollo , placed before the Exedra of Apollo Karneios (called 'Fountain of the Gorgoneion' by G. Oliverio).

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 2001 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Oliverio, 1932-1933 , pp. 174-175, n. 51, whence SEG , 9.124. Cf. Stucchi, 1981 , p. 107, whence SEG , 31.1576; Dobias-Lalou, 2000 , pp. 165-166.


Ἐπ’ Εὐμηλίδα· ὀρνίχων· [σκ]υλακίων.


French translation

Sous (la prêtrise d')Eumélidas, avec les revenus des chiots et des oiseaux.

English translation

Being (priest) Eumelidas, thanks to the revenues from puppies and birds.

Italian translation

Sotto (il sacerdozio di) Eumelidas, grazie ai proventi dei cuccioli di cane e degli uccelli.

Arabic translation

فترة (الكاهن) إفميليديس ، شكر لأجل العائدات الناتجة عن بيع الجراء والطيور.


Oliverio, 1932-1933 , pp. 174-175, n. 51 thought that the inscription mentions a dedication to Hekate (because of the puppies) and to Demeter (because of the birds, which he thought were poultry), but neither the formula nor the finding-place proves this. Furthermore, we have now a dedication (IGCyr125600) mentioning explicitely Apollo as recipient, where 'puppies' are also mentioned. So the most probable recipient of the dedication was Apollo, near whose altar the base was found.

Stucchi, 1981 , p. 107 does not seem to give a convincing explanation about syntax and meaning of lines 2-3.

The inscription only tells the origin of the expense made for the monument (for the absence of a preposition, see Dobias-Lalou, 2000 , p. 166).

For a possible mention of this priest, see IGCyr093600.

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