Sacred law


Trismegistos ID: 6188

Source Description


Left part of a marble panel (?) (dimensions unknown).


Inscribed on front face.


Height unknown; no serifs, very small omicron, upper loop of beta larger than the lower one, phi with flattened loop.

Place of Origin

Cyrene , Sanctuary of Apollo , Temple of Hekate .


Second half of third or first half of second century B.C. (lettering)


Found before 1937 at Cyrene , East of Greek Theatre .

Present Location

Not found by G. Pugliese Carratelli in 1960.

Present Location

Never seen by IGCyr team.

Text constituted from

Transcription from previous editor (CDL).


Oliverio, Taccuini inediti , III.17, whence Pugliese Carratelli, 1961 and SECir , 159 and Sokolowski, 1962 , p. 220, n. 133, whence SEG , 20.718.


Ἱαρὸν Ἑκάτ[ας]· οὐ ποτιφέ[ρεται] λίβανo[ς] ( vac. ).


3 λίβανo[ς] : Pugliese Carratelli, 1961 , SECir  λιβανω[τός]

French translation

Espace sacré d'Hécate. Ne pas introduire d'encens.

English translation

Sacred area of Hekate. Do not bring in incense.

Italian translation

Area sacra di Ecate. Non introdurre incenso.


This inscription was published by Pugliese Carratelli from a photograph of the Department Archives, already known to Oliverio, which allows to date the find at the latest in 1937.

The photograph shows very clearly that the last readable letter at line 3 is an omicron rather than an omega, so the foundation word λίβανος should be read instead of the derived form preferred by Pugliese Carratelli.

The word ἱαρόν, means 'sacred area' and may either consist only of the temple or include a larger area around it. The stone was found about this area, apparently not inside it but at some distance further to the West. This apparently small stone could be moved easily.

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