Limestone altar with a square compartment on top and a small projecting moulding below the upper edge (0.45; 0.35;0.44).
Inscribed on front face (0.42;), at 0.04 under the moulding.
0.03; non-slanting sigma, smaller omicron.
Place of Origin
Probably third century B.C. (lettering)
Found in 1933 by G. Oliverio at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : Sanctuary of Apollo, East of the Wall of Nicodamos .
Later recorded Location
een by D. Morelli in 1960 in situ.
Last recorded Location
Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 2010 in situ.
Text constituted from
Transcription from stone (CDL).
Morelli in SECir Oliverio, G., Pugliese-Carratelli, G., Morelli, D., 1961-1962, Supplemento Epigrafico Cirenaico, Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente (ASAA)39-40 (= n.s. 23-24), 219-375 - see in bibliography , 226 (no image).
(Autel du) Courète.
(Altar of the) Curete.
(Altare del) Curete.
About the clearance of the area and the discovery of the group of altars (IGCyr102800, IGCyr102900, IGCyr103000, IGCyr103200, IGCyr103400, IGCyr103430) see Luni, 2014 Luni, M., 2014, Attività di Carlo Anti, Luigi Pernier e Gaspare Oliverio (1923-1938), in M. Luni (ed.), La scoperta di Cirene. Un secolo di scavi, 1913-2013, Monografie di archeologia libica37, Cirene Atene d'Africa8, Roma, 123-156 - see in bibliography , p. 141.
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