Cyrene Museum, Storeroom of the Italian missions, inv. number unknown.
Eight fragments of a marble stele (fr. a and b pasted together): fragment a + b: broken above and below and badly chipped off at left edge (0.6; 0.628;0.18); fragment c: broken off above, below and on the right (0.35; 0.395;0.175-0.18); fragment d: broken on all sides, with vestiges of sides i and ii (0.3; 0.135;0.182); fragment e: broken at right and left, above and below, might belong to anyone of both inscribed sides (0.15; 0.16;0.16); fragment f: broken on all sides but at right, might belong to anyone of both inscribed sides (0.034; 0.044;0.023); fragment g: broken on all sides, might belong to anyone of both inscribed sides (0.06; 0.025;0.045); fragment h: broken on all sides, might belong to anyone of both inscribed sides 0.072; 0.043;0.046).
Inscribed on front face (main fragment a+b), one entry per line, and on left side (main fragment c), one entry on two lines; in some cases, guidelines still visible.
Hand 1: height unknown; slanting sigma.
Hand 2: 0.021.
Hand 3: 0.018; slanting sigma.
Hand 4: 0.016; smaller omicron, slanting sigma.
Hand 5: 0.021; non-slanting mu, slanting sigma.
Hand 6: 0.022.
Hand 7: 0.02; smaller omicron, slanting sigma.
Hand 8: 0.019; non-slanting mu, smaller omicron, slanting sigma, thickening ends of omega.
Hand 9: 0.018; non-slanting mu, smaller omicron, slanting sigma, very small loop of phi, omega with thickening feet.
Hand 10: 0.019; smaller dotted theta.
Hand 11: 0.02; slanting sigma.
Hand 12: 0.021; xi with central vertical stroke, slanting sigma, omega with well detached feet.
Hand 13: 0.02; broad eta, slanting sigma.
Hand 14: 0.021; smaller omicron, slanting sigma.
Hand 15: 0.02; kappa with two long oblique strokes, slanting sigma.
Hand 16: 0.022..
Hand 17: 0.02; omega with thickening feet.
Hand 18: 0.02-0.025; non-slanting mu, smaller omicron.
Hand 19: 0.022; very small omicron cut high above the guideline, rho with small loop, much slanting sigma.
Hand 20: 0.022; small omicron, rho with small loop, much slanting sigma.
Hand 21: 0.02; slanting sigma.
Hand 22: height unknown; higher line-spacing.
Hand 23: 0.024; large dotted theta.
Hand 24: 0.023; slanting mu and sigma, middle-sized omicron, phi with middle-sized loop, line-spacing 0.04.
Hand 25: 0.02; line-spacing 0.03.
Hand 26: 0.021; line-spacing 0.04.
Hand 27: 0.022.
Hand 28: 0.03; kappa with long oblique bars, rho with small loop.
Hand 29: height unknown.
Hand 30: 0.015; non-slanting sigma.
Hand 31: 0.015-0.016; xi with central vertical stroke, pi with projecting upper bar.
Hand 32: 0.015-0.016; very small loop of rho, widely open calice-shaped upsilon, middle-sized loop of phi.
Hand 33: 0.015; xi with central vertical stroke, slanting sigma.
Hand 34: 0.015-0.017; oval and small loop of phi.
Hand 35: 0.0015; middle-sized loop of rho.
Hand 36: 0.0015; alpha with dropped bar, slanting sigma.
Hand 37: 0.0014; non-slanting and broad sigma.
Hand 38: height unknown.
Hand 39: 0.015; thickening ends of letters, middle-sized omicron, widely open upsilon.
Hand 40: 0.014-0.015; slanting sigma.
Hand 41: 0.015; slanting sigma, oval loop of phi.
Hand 42: 0.014-0.015; very small loop of rho, thick feet of omega.
Hand 43: 0.016-0.017; small loop of rho, smaller omega.
Hand 44: 0.018-0.02; dotted middle-sized theta, smaller omicron, non-slanting sigma.
Hand 45: 0.015-0.018; serifs, dropped bar alpha, projecting upper bar of pi, much slanting sigma, widely open upsilon, oval and rather low loop of phi.
Hand 46: 0.015; pi with non-projecting upper bar.
Hand 47: 0.016; very slight serifs.
Hand 48: 0.015; non-slanting sigma.
Hand 49: height unknown; thickening ends of letters.
Place of Origin
End of fourth or beginning of third century B.C.
Found at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : Southern Extra-Mural Sacred Zone , near the propylaeum of the Southern temple precinct .
Last recorded Location
Observed by G. Paci in 2008-2009 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum , Storeroom of the Italian missions .
Text constituted from
Transcription from editor (CDL).
Paci, 2011 Paci, G., 2011, Nouveaux documents épigraphiques provenant du sanctuaire extra-urbain de Déméter à Cyrène, Comptes rendus des séances: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2011, 258-273 - see in bibliography , pp. 259-264, fig. 12 and Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique Dobias-Lalou, C.Bulletin Épigraphique in Études Grecques (REG)1987- - see in bibliography , 2013.482, whence SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Leiden, then Amsterdam, 1923-1971, then 1979- - see in bibliography , 61.1557. Cf. Dobias-Lalou, 2016 Dobias-Lalou, C., 2016, Sur les listes d'anthroponymes de Cyrène à l'époque hellénistique, Studi Ellenistici30, 239-258 - see in bibliography , pp. 249-250.
[....] [μ]αχος : Paci, 2011
Paci, G., 2011, Nouveaux documents épigraphiques provenant du sanctuaire extra-urbain de Déméter à Cyrène, Comptes rendus des séances: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2011, 258-273 - see in bibliography
[Ἀντί]μαχος : Paci, 2011
Paci, G., 2011, Nouveaux documents épigraphiques provenant du sanctuaire extra-urbain de Déméter à Cyrène, Comptes rendus des séances: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2011, 258-273 - see in bibliography
[...] [α]ρχος : Paci, 2011
Paci, G., 2011, Nouveaux documents épigraphiques provenant du sanctuaire extra-urbain de Déméter à Cyrène, Comptes rendus des séances: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2011, 258-273 - see in bibliography
[....] ρχος
i.a.19 Π̣[ί]θ̣α̣κος (the bar of alpha probably not cut) : Paci, 2011
Paci, G., 2011, Nouveaux documents épigraphiques provenant du sanctuaire extra-urbain de Déméter à Cyrène, Comptes rendus des séances: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2011, 258-273 - see in bibliography
Ι[..] όλκος : Paci, 2011
Paci, G., 2011, Nouveaux documents épigraphiques provenant du sanctuaire extra-urbain de Déméter à Cyrène, Comptes rendus des séances: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2011, 258-273 - see in bibliography
[...] ΑΒΩ [- max.2 -] : Paci, 2011
Paci, G., 2011, Nouveaux documents épigraphiques provenant du sanctuaire extra-urbain de Déméter à Cyrène, Comptes rendus des séances: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2011, 258-273 - see in bibliography
[...] αβώ[λα?] (an impossible ending)
Paci, 2011
Paci, G., 2011, Nouveaux documents épigraphiques provenant du sanctuaire extra-urbain de Déméter à Cyrène, Comptes rendus des séances: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2011, 258-273 - see in bibliography
Μεγ̣[ακλεῦς] : Paci, 2011
Paci, G., 2011, Nouveaux documents épigraphiques provenant du sanctuaire extra-urbain de Déméter à Cyrène, Comptes rendus des séances: Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres (CRAI)2011, 258-273 - see in bibliography
(i.a-b) [---] , [Untel fils d'Untel], [---] ôn fils de Daïléôn, Theupheidès fils de Da [---] , Dexandros fils de Polytimos (5) [---] nalkès fils d'Eumèdès, [---] nôn fils de Pariabatas, [---] goras fils de Khairésilas, [---] makhos fils d'Olympiodôros, [---] arkhos fils d'Euphamos, (10) [---] n fils de Tharylas, [---] pos fils de Prôros, [---] as fils de Dexarkhos, [---] dès fils de Khartadas, [---] nymos fils d'Hyperokhos, (15) [---] fils de Proklès, [---] s fils de Paraibatas, [---] n fils d'Erginos, [---] ximakhos fils d'Iasôn, Pithakos fils de Kharôn, (20) Ankhistratos fils d'[Untel], [---] s fils de Polystris, [---] .
(i.c) [---] , [Untel fils de] Bath [---] , Karnèdas fils de Phi [---] , Ankhistratos [fils d'Untel], Melanippos [fils d'Untel], (5) Amaisinnas [fils d'Untel], Erasis [fils d'Untel], Hipp [---] [fils d'Untel], Iasôn [fils d'Untel], [---] .
(i.d) [---] , [---] karp [---] [fils d'Untel], [---] .
(ii.a-b) [---] , [Untel] fils de Philodamos, Philiskos fils de Philoxènos, (5) Aristippos fils de [---] abo [---] , Dionysios fils d'Euphranôr, Zeuximakhos fils d'Iasôn, (11) Kalliphyès [fils d'Untel],Euklès fils de Prôros, Mnas [---] fils de [---] asis, Nikasios [fils d'Untel], (19) [Untel fils d'Untel], [---] .
(ii.c) [---] , Antipatros fils d'Antipatros, Sôsidas fils de Naukritos, Autophilos fils de Karnèdas, Philoôn fils d'Andrias, (10) Theutimos fils de Polyanthès, Philistidas fils de Polyarkhos, Dôrothéos fils de Mégaklès, Pa [---] [fils d'Untel], [---] .
(ii.d) Intraduisible.
Fragments e, f, g, h intraduisibles.
(i.a-b) [---] , [So-and-so son of So-and-so], [---] on son of Daileon, Theupheides son of Da [---] , Dexandros son of Polytimos (5) [---] nalkes son of Eumedes, [---] non son of Pariabatas, [---] goras son of Chairesilas, [---] machos son of Olympiodoros, [---] archos son of Euphamos, (10) [---] n son of Tharylas, [---] pos son of Proros, [---] as son of Dexarchos, [---] des son of Chartadas, [---] nymos son of Hyperochos, (15) [---] son of Prokles, [---] s son of Paraibatas, [---] n son of Erginos, [---] ximachosson of Iason, Pithakos son of Charon, (20) Anchistratos son of [So-and-so], [---] s son of Polystris, [---] .
(i.c) [---] , [So-and-so son of] Bath [---] , Karnedas son of Phi [---] , Anchistratos [son of So-and-so], Melanippos [son of So-and-so], (5) Amaisinnas [son of So-and-so], Erasis [son of So-and-so], Hipp [---] [son of So-and-so], Iason [son of So-and-so], [---] .
(i.d) [---] , [---] karp [---] [son of So-and-so], [---] .
(ii.a-b) [---] , [So-and-so] son of Philodamos, Philiskos son of Philoxenos, (5) Aristippos son of [---] abo [---] , Dionysios son of Euphranor, Zeuximachos son of Iason, (11) Kalliphyes [son of So-and-so],Eukles son of Proros, Mnas [---] son of [---] asis, Nikasios [son of So-and-so], (19) [So-and-so son of So-and-so], [---] .
(ii.c) [---] , Antipatros son of Antipatros, Sosidas son of Naukritos, Autophilos son of Karnedas, Philon son of Andrias, (10) Theutimos son of Polyanthes, Philistidas son of Polyarchos, Dorotheos son of Megakles, Pa [---] [son of So-and-so], [---] .
(ii.d) Not usefully translatable.
Fragments e, f, g, h not usefully translatable.
(i.a-b) [---] , [il tale figlio del tale], [---] on figlio di Daileon, Theupheides figlio di Da [---] , Dexandros figlio di Polytimos (5) [---] nalkes figlio di Eumedes, [---] non figlio di Pariabatas, [---] goras figlio di Chairesilas, [---] machos figlio di Olympiodoros, [---] archos figlio di Euphamos, (10) [---] n figlio di Tharylas, [---] pos figlio di Proros, [---] as figlio di Dexarchos, [---] des figlio di Chartadas, [---] nymos figlio di Hyperochos, (15) [---] figlio di Prokles, [---] s figlio di Paraibatas, [---] n figlio di Erginos, [---] ximachos figlio di Iason, Pithakos figlio di Charon, (20) Anchistratos figlio del [tale], [---] s figlio di Polystris, [---] .
(i.c) [---] , [il tale figlio di] Bath [---] , Karnedas figlio di Phi [---] , Anchistratos [figlio del tale], Melanippos [figlio ddel tale], (5) Amaisinnas [figlio del tale], Erasis [figlio del tale], Hipp [---] [figlio del tale], Iason [figlio del tale], [---] .
(i.d) [---] , [---] karp [---] [figlio del tale], [---] .
(ii.a-b) [---] , [Il tale] figlio di Philodamos, Philiskos figlio di Philoxenos, (5) Aristippos figlio di [---] abo [---] , Dionysios figlio di Euphranor, Zeuximachos figlio di Iason, (11) Kalliphyes [figlio del tale],Eukles figlio di Proros, Mnas [---] figlio di [---] asis, Nikasios [figlio del tale], (19) [il tale figlio del tale], [---] .
(ii.c) [---] , Antipatros figlio di Antipatros, Sosidas figlio di Naukritos, Autophilos figlio di Karnedas, Philon figlio di Andrias, (10) Theutimos figlio di Polyanthes, Philistidas figlio di Polyarchos, Dorotheos figlio di Megakles, Pa [---] [figlio del tale], [---] .
(ii.d) Intraducibile.
Frammenti e, f, g, h intraducibili.
In matter of support, display and content this inscription is very similar to IGCyr109300, which is explicitely a list of priests, probably eponymous ones. For the present list, it has still to be proven, as none of the persons recorded here does correspond to a man explicitely mentioned as priest of Apollo elsewhere.
Some personal names might be restored with more of less certainty from the stock of names attested at Cyrene. Hereafter are some restorations proposed by C. Dobias-Lalou from the photographs : at i.a.5 [Με]νάλκηςseems plausible, although this name is not yet attested in Cyrenaica, whereas Ἀλκαμένης is already known.
For i.a.6 [Σθέ]νων is the only name fitting the gap before -νων and attested in the region.
At i.a.11 we should probably restore [Εὔιπ]πος.
At i.a.13 a compound in -είδης is the only possibility in agreement with the local dialect.
At i.a.14 [Ἀριστώ]νυμος seems a good guess.
At i.c.1 the father's name should be [Βαθ]υκλεῦς.
At ii.a.6 a father's name [Κοττ]άβω would fit the gap with the rare name also attested as father's name of a contributor named Ariston about 280 B.C. (IGCyr065200, b.18). -βωλος with first element ending with α seems to be known.
At ii.a.12 [Πο]λυχά[ρμω] seems a good guess. Although not yet attested in Cyrenaica it is a common Rhodian name.
At ii.a.15-16 the father's name should be [Μ]ν̣άσιος, whereas the son's name might be either Μνᾶσις or Μνασέας.
At e.2 a space before the first preserved letters induces to suggest the Libyan name Ελι[καν].
Dobias-Lalou, 2016 Dobias-Lalou, C., 2016, Le toponyme Ptolemaion dans les inscriptions de Cyrène: un essai de clarification, Revue des Études Grecques (REG)129, 39-61 - see in bibliography argued that this liste might belong to the same ensemble as IGCyr109200. Without a new study of the stones, this should remain hypothetical.
In a PhD thesis discussed at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa in December 2016, E. Rosamilia presented the results of a new study of the stone with some interesting improvements. Until the planned publication, the present edition should be taken as provisional.
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