Cyrene Museum, 1828.
Upper left angle of a white marble stele, broken off at right and below, with all edges worn out and the face once convered with a layer of concrete and scratched through many strokes (0.16; 0.22;0.125).
Inscribed on the face, which is very difficult to read.
0.015-0.02, probably by different hands, with different spaces between lines; no individual hand can be described because of the bad condition of the stone; on the whole, no real serifs, but some thickening ends of strokes; smaller omicron, slanting sigma.
Place of Origin
Perhaps second half of fourth or first half of third century B.C. (lettering)
Found before 1979 at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : exact findspot unrecorded.
Last recorded Location
Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1979 in Shahat , Casa Parisi and again in 2001 in the Cyrene Museum .
Text constituted from
Transcription from stone (CDL).
Not previously published.
Euklès fils d'[Untel], Khairadas fils d'[Untel], [---] los fils d' [Untel], [Theukh]restos fils d'[Untel], Mnasis fils d'[ Untel], Eupolémos fils d'[Untel], Timarkhos fils d'[Untel], [---] .
Eukles son of [So-and-so], Chairadas son of [So-and-so], [---] los son of [So-and-so], [Theuch]restos son of [So-and-so], Anaxis son of [So-and-so], Eupolemos son of [So-and-so], Timarchos son of [So-and-so], [---] .
Eukles figlio del [tale], Chairadas figlio del [tale], [---] los figlio del [tale], [Theuch]restos figlio del [tale], Anaxis figlio del [tale], Eupolemos figlio del [tale], Timarchos figlio del [tale], [---] .
The stone is so difficult to read that one has to remain very cautious. However, the layout, varying hands and spaces are clues for a list of priests. All restorable names belong to the most common stock of the fourth and third century B.C., but the mostly common first names combined with the lack of any father's name forbide to suggest any prosopographical relation.
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