A rock-cut altar terribly worn out, either with only one compartment or having lost a second compartment at right (dimensions unknown).
Inscribed on the rear wall in correspondence with the partly preserved compartment.
0.08; taller iota, pi with protruding upper bar and equal hastae.
Place of Origin
Perhaps third or second century B.C. (lettering)
Found in 2012 by the Mission of Urbino at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : in the lower part of Wadi el Aish .
Last recorded Location
First studied in 2012 by E. Rosamilia in situ.
Text constituted from
Transcription from editor.
Gasparini-Rosamilia, 2016 Gasparini, M., Rosamilia, E., 2016, I nuovi altari rupestri extraurbani dallo Uadi Belgadir e il culto di Zeus e delle Eumenidi, in V. Purcaro, O. Mei, Cirene greca e romana II, Monografie di archeologia libica, 44, Cirene Atene d'Africa9, 189-217 - see in bibliography , n. 12 (fig. 26).
Hipp [---] .
Hipp [---] .
Hipp [---] .
For the reading, E. Rosamilia notes that the first iota is much distant from the following letters. However the reading seems sure and the most probable interpretation is that of a personal name beginning with Ἱππ(ο)-. If so, as personal names on the altars are not usually abbreviated, this induces to think that a part of the altar is lost at right, allowing for a complete name.
E. Rosamilia discusses the possibility that this would be the mention copied by Pacho in 1825 in the same area (IGCyr107350). However the latter's description «gravé en lettres de plusieurs pouces sur la paroi du mur de roche qui forme un des côtés (de la route)» does not match the reality of this altar and Rosamilia duly drops the idea.
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