Marble base with back left rough, not otherwise described (dimensions unknown, but see commentary).
Inscribed on front face.
Height unknown.
Place of Origin
Second or first centuries B.C. (lettering)
Later recorded Location
Seen by J. Cassels in 1954 at South Necropolis , tomb S 4.
Later recorded Location
Seen by A. Laronde in 1975 (for epigraphy).
Last recorded Location
seen by L. Cherstich before 2003 (for the whole tomb).
Text constituted from
Transcription from previous editors (CDL).
CIG Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, I-IV, Berlin, 1828-1877 - see in bibliography 5171 (Franz), from a copy of [Negri], Sardinian consul in Tripoli; Beschi, 1970 Beschi, L., 1970, Divinità funerarie cirenaiche, Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente (ASAA)47-48, 133-341 - see in bibliography , p. 203 footnote 1; Masson, 1975 Masson, O., 1975, Quelques épitaphes grecques, Bulletin de correspondance hellénique (BCH)99, 219-227 - see in bibliography , p. 223. Cf. Thorn, 2005 Thorn, J.C., 2005, The Necropolis of Cyrene: two hundred years of exploration, Monografie di archeologia libica26, Roma - see in bibliography , p. 206; Cherstich, 2006 Cherstich, L., 2006, S4: la tomba di Klearchos di Cirene, in E. Fabbricotti, O. Menozzi (eds.), Cirenaica: studi, scavi e scoperte: atti del X Convegno di Archeologia Cirenaica, Chieti 24-26 Novembre 2003, BAR international series1488, Oxford, 103-120 - see in bibliography , pp. 110-111; Thorn-Thorn, 2009 Thorn, D.M., Thorn, J.C. (eds.), 2009, A Gazetteer of the Cyrene Necropolis from the original notebooks of John Cassels, Richard Tomlinson and James and Dorothy Thorn, Studia Archaeologica161, Roma - see in bibliography , p. 206.
Thorn-Thorn, 2009
Thorn, D.M., Thorn, J.C. (eds.), 2009, A Gazetteer of the Cyrene Necropolis from the original notebooks of John Cassels, Richard Tomlinson and James and Dorothy Thorn, Studia Archaeologica161, Roma - see in bibliography
Ἀκεσὼι (from Cassels' Grey Book) : CIG
Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, I-IV, Berlin, 1828-1877 - see in bibliography
ΑΚΕΩΙ : Beschi, 1970
Beschi, L., 1970, Divinità funerarie cirenaiche, Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente (ASAA)47-48, 133-341 - see in bibliography
Ἀκεσ[---] : Masson, 1975
Masson, O., 1975, Quelques épitaphes grecques, Bulletin de correspondance hellénique (BCH)99, 219-227 - see in bibliography
Ἀκεσὼ̣ι : Thorn, 2005
Thorn, J.C., 2005, The Necropolis of Cyrene: two hundred years of exploration, Monografie di archeologia libica26, Roma - see in bibliography
Ἀκεσώρ (from Cassels' unpublished first copy)
Masson, 1975
Masson, O., 1975, Quelques épitaphes grecques, Bulletin de correspondance hellénique (BCH)99, 219-227 - see in bibliography
, Thorn-Thorn, 2009
Thorn, D.M., Thorn, J.C. (eds.), 2009, A Gazetteer of the Cyrene Necropolis from the original notebooks of John Cassels, Richard Tomlinson and James and Dorothy Thorn, Studia Archaeologica161, Roma - see in bibliography
Νικοδ̣ά̣μ̣ω (the Thorn's mention taken from Cassels' archive) : CIG
Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum, I-IV, Berlin, 1828-1877 - see in bibliography
Νικο[λά]ω (Franz from [Negri]'s copy ΝΙΚΟΔΔΗΩ) : Beschi, 1970
Beschi, L., 1970, Divinità funerarie cirenaiche, Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente (ASAA)47-48, 133-341 - see in bibliography
Akesô fille de Nikodamos.
Akeso daughter of Nikodamos.
Akesò figlia di Nikodamos.
أكيسو ابنة نيكوداموس
Masson's reading was the nearest to Negri's copy; the last letter seen by Beschi at line 2 might be the right part of delta, which he took for the lower part of a sigma.
In an unpublished letter to Masson (1974-08-18), Beschi said that he had noted for this base «same dimensions and ornaments as (IGCyr007900)».
Laronde (in his hitherto unpublished Prosopographia), who had seen the stone, could not read more than ΝΙΚΟ because other blocks had fallen upon it.
From Cassels' notebook, published by Thorn, it appears that the former had eventually identified the base and insisted that he had the exact reading.
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